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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you are doing well today! Another page of Hissed Connections. Can you believe we're nearing 40 pages? To think I called this a mini-series when it reached its claws out and decided to be otherwise. That's just the thing about art sometimes though. It can take on a life of it's own, grow wants and needs. If you're a creator yourself then you are perhaps aware of this. Those spirits again that want to be made, and want to express many things. To be understood and looked at. 

Besides this however, I've had a greater abundance of free time this past week as you've probably been aware of. With one job that now only provides one or two days a week, and the other that is a no-show just yet due to the transition, I have to be more vigilant. I've recieved some call backs from a few opportunities here and there, and I am hopeful to get back on track with some new field work. Fingers crossed now! 

Another day, and another thought for meditation and philosophy..feel free to read further if any of it interests you! 


Wind in the cave, movement in stillness, power in silence.

In a cave, all outer sounds are smothered by the rock and earth, but this makes the sound of one's own heartbeat and breath audible. In the same way, contemplative stillness turns us away from everyday calmor but allows us to hear the subtle in our own lives. 

When one listens not with the ears but with the spirit, they can percieve the subtle sound. By entering into that sound, we enter our center. This is often why many religious traditions hold prayer, song, or chant as prelude to silence. It is understood that the repetition and absorption of sound leads to sacred stillness. 

The deepest sound is silence. This may appear paradoxical only if we regard silence as an absense of life and vibration. But for a mediator, silence is sound unified with all of its opposites. It is both sound and soundlessness, and it is in this confluence that the power of meditation emerges. 




good luck with work, my dude-- we got your back!


You did really awesome work with your comics. Keep up your amazing work.