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Good evening my dears! I hope you have been doing well today! A bit of a late post here but I hope to make up for that with not one but two pages of Hissed Connections for your downloading and viewing pleasure. Oh what silly nonsense to have, but it's been good to hit the ground running with this series again. This is also another day for a time of meditation of the Tao, and if that is something you wish to join me in, then by all means feel free to read below. 


Make the crooked straight, make the straight to flow, gather water, fire, and light, and bring the world to a single point. 

If we have devotion, our determination shall naturally build momentum. Fewer and fewer obstructions will deter your force but yield to your purpose driven. Devotion lies not simply in being headstrong along a headlong course. It requires fortitude. Our hearts, bodies and spirits must be concentrated upon what we want. Only by the union of all our inner elements can we achieve full devotion. If we see our path clearly and our personalities are unified, then there is little distinction from the outer world and the inner one. Nothing is far away anymore. Nothing is not open to you. This is why it is said that the world is like a single point: so strong is devotion that there is nothing that is not a part of it. 




What kind of snake is this cutie?

Shane Wexelman

In the lore of the world, they are a sand diamond, though their race is charmed and unnatural.