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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you are doing well today. 

Try and stay warm out there, because cold days are afoot I tell you! Up for downloading and viewing are a bunch of things today actually. The next page of sword breaker ( Which my apologies, I could not complete yesterday before heading to work! ) some sketches, both young and old! Some pictures of a bit of snow, and curious findings of concepts that hid behind pages. 

The first example is an early page of Fangs for the conversation's second part. While most of the original writing remained intact, there were some revisions, facial expression changes, and dialogue reworks. Most times I actually feel out a page of work and do no pre-sketch ups. Unless I feel deeply uncertain and need to visually see what I am attempting to convey, it is rare for me to actually draw out a moment ahead of time. 

 I also came across my earlier designs of Nis from Functioning Just Dysfunctional.  Fun fact by the way, Nis was originally a less complex version of Web, the mechanical social anxiety animatronic. 

For those of you who have been on here for a bit, you may remember the picture of Web which can also be downloaded on this post. I remember the really bad feelings I had working on that charecter. I was at a bar for an artist group meetup but no one wanted to share their work or speak to one another. Guess those feelings just grew up bigger and badder when it came to the whole almost going full homeless situation when a lot of people would vanish without a words when discussing living arrangements. 

Life of an artist, right? I'd love to know some time if any of you have had very powerful moments that inspired you or grew charecters of your own? If you've got a couple, feel free to speak up! I always love to hear from you. :)    




Your style is so very attractive on paper


Awwwwwww the Nis looks so cute.


*pets the snake*


I love the chara in the last pic. I wanna hug.


the doodles you put to scrap paper Shane, it's all utter gold to see, your art sustains the happy on my face ;w; seriously, so glad you think to share these lovely works with us, there's always laughs, charm, or a deep thought to take from your work, and where you get this endless creativity from, I'll never know ; ^ ; So cool to see sketches from 'Fangs in it's original drafts too! though I believe you when you say you usually let comic pages flow out as they feel, as you've an amazing touch for that sincere expression in your works uwu Stay bundled and stay inspired you! ^o^

Shane Wexelman

You are most kind, and I would thank you for such. The words come for me during a time that I wish for them most. Stay safe and warm out there. :)