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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you are all doing well today! :) 

Oh dearest me, last night I was simply not having it with my body or mind. I'm doing my best here but I admit, perhaps I need a vacation at some point. ( And by vacation I mean being figuratively locked up in my room and kept to working on art and more comic pages. ) Now that sounds absolutely bliss! 

Well, you know how it goes with the holiday season times. No rest for the wicked as they say. I have to head on out to work not too long from here, but I'm hoping to send the next page of Sword Breaker on through here before I have to up and leave. In the meantime hooowever, here is another work I had gotten started on towards midnight last night. 

A piece I call " A Cracked Night's Swim " couple of fun little facts. I was dealing with a pre-aura late on in the day so my mental processing skills were..well..not working at full capacity! The original finished work had a complete different setup with the same charecter. Did I also mention I was surprised to find I named the file " Well Shit " pardon the language of course. My head is a bit foggy but originally it was going to be about a rabbit that was very mad that as a cute fellow walked by, a heart sprung up. How the rest happened..is anyone's best guess!  

But hey, don't just take my word for it. Part of the patreon experience here is not only seeing my sketches but also the works in progress. So feel free to check out the..appropriatley named original file. 

This work was inspired by Chimpanji's " Dino Dino " which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/chimpanji/dino-dino




Really awesome pic.


Now it looks like a bunny who loves the stars-- My kind of rabbit!