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Good afternoon my dears. From the start of this month, I've been feeling out a story involving a seal. It was fun, playful, and silly beyond words. However as I continued to work with it, I realized that this month has not really been all that silly for myself. I haven't felt fun or playful. In fact..I've kind of felt more stressed than I've ever known. Time slips away from myself, and I start to feel scared because like many of us, I hold myself accountable for every detail. 

When the day goes by and I have little to bring to this Patreon group, it can feel like a dagger. So when my new work schedule came along, coupled with the growing holiday hours for my other job..well..you can imagine it was like an arrow through the heart. No, this month I haven't felt all that up there in the clouds as I would normally be. So I want to run with that. I want to set the seal story aside and just..vent a little with a work I'm calling " Sword Breaker " 

You might recognise some of the sketches if you've been here long enough with me. Like I say many times: nothing truly goes to waste in my work. The little things, and even the large, have a way of finding their steps back to me. 

I have work not far off from this post. It's going to be an all day and nighter again. I'm not feeling it, but many of us really don't feel it now and again do we? Somewhere deep down inside, I know I'll always do my best, and give nothing short but my everything, and I know you would do the same because you're here now. I..also want you to know. I don't look at you as someone who contributes to my stress. I don't get daggers in the heart because of Patreon or those who support me on it. I do so because more than anything, I want you to know how grateful I am, and that I want to make all of this worthwhile for you. So take care, be safe out there, and do your best. :) 



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