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You know what. I wanted to hold it off for another day but I think we've all had a good journey with this silly little project. It's a Friday and today feels like the perfect day to conclude this fun little project. :)

Working on this comic was a very fun distraction. Unlike the majority of my other works, it was something I wasn't trying to make a major point with or create a provoking story. For myself it was just two fellows of a different kind of strange coming together for one night. Strangers in one way and familiars in another as often are acquaintances from out of the blue.

More than that, I felt it was just a fun way to drop some names of the occult, provide a silly but grounded concept of involvement with demons, and indulge a glimpse of perspective into meditation of the left hand. I hope you all enjoyed the ride with myself, and I hope you look forward to my return on our previous two stories of Hissed Connections and FJD! 


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