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Good morning my dears! I hope you all have been doing well! Yesterday certainly was an interesting  experience for myself. For those who are aware, I'm on the lucky receiving end of the stick labeled Ocular Aura. Further for those familiar, the experience can leave one's self temporarily blind followed by loss of bodily motor-function, with a salt of audible/visual hallucinations. Needless to say, upon becoming blind I had to escape work as quickly as possible to reach home and sedate myself for the..fascinating experience.

In short, I felt as though my head had become disconnected from my body, unable to calm the jarring shaking I was experiencing. In my mind I proceeded to sink into the bed until I reached the floorboards and then the dirt where many incoherent whispers found me. The pain is unique in that is almost feels deep inside the brain and yet not at all. Unreachable, as if an aggressive aura of seething air. Besides feeling one pound lighter on the left hand side of my head, I am doing loads better at the present time. Now mind you this story is not for sympathy, nor concern, as I require little of either. However, it is worth sharing with yourselves the experiences of the moment. To involve yourselves with something that has been a part of me for many years now.

Now then, besides all that, we have another two pages of our October Project! Good things are coming, and we have less than four days now before we get on with our bad selves! Have a slice of pumpkin pie won't you?


Many times we must sit and take in a breath of air. Our two eyes closed and the third opened to ourselves. Look close enough and you find the glass interior of our souls. We are amalgamations of what we understand to be powerful, and so the ink of the many penned characters around us do not dry in the tomes of our mind. As a story, they change over time and grow with ourselves,elaborate and meaningful. Family, friends, strangers and the words surrounding us all. The flavor is not lost..only the most meaningful of acts will remain to be reinterpreted and recognized. So you see. We all are teachers to one another, even in silence and the greatest of distances. So when you look upon the glass reflection of yourself and ask who you may be, I hope the words will find you. "Everyone I want to be."



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