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Well good morning my dears! I hope you have been well! Labor day has came and went, and my goodness has it been a whirlwind of many interactions, meetings, and quick footed work arrangements!

There have been those dreams that follow me now and again. Things of individuals as specters, wrapping themselves in sheets of distractions in the belief it equates to fortitude. A being whose face is cracked, and body snaps backwards with every motions, watches from the corners of darkened homes, bending their arms through the floor boards and whispering things that perhaps need to be further heard.

I sat with a co-worker in the break room at work, and she talked about how she felt she was worrying how hateful and bitter she was growing of people. How the way she was being treated, she wanted to treat in return. So I laughed and offered an alternative perspective. In our line of work, both as employees and customers, there is a deeply rooted exchange from vendor to consumer. A bit of humanity I feel is lost in the rules of this concept. One might say it is as if going through a dialogue tree, hearing the same words from both parties back and forth. Eventually it grows expectant, limited, even insincere.  An employee feels like a heartless whisp of a being simply at the whims to serve a need, whilst the customer appears as an uncaring, interruption to an already vicious cycle of an often-thought meaningless interaction.

I told her that perhaps it truly is not the people that she is growing to hate but the way the people are treating her. The actions often outlive the individual, which is why it is many times true that a woman or man's identity often transmutes into a feeling or belief. In hostility and apathetic environments I feel posture is not simply a consideration but a necessity to strengthen the heart and heighten a grander belief. One cannot simply smile alone and wallow in anger and sadness. They must understand those feelings and preoccupy themselves to growing from them. To question why actions and dialogue have an impact on their daily happiness and hope, not simply motion through them.

Well, none the less I do believe I have simply gone on with this musing! I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I must simply figure something else to do to shake things up around here! My mind will be combing the fields, I assure you!  


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