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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you're doing well today! Up for download and viewing is a bundle of sketches and some digitals to cap off the night! We have rabbits galore and other such fun things to nibble on! 




That bun is going to give that guy a big ol' lung crushing bear hug once they catch up! I like what you did with the Shadow of Isaac picture. It's kind of like the character and their cloak are one, despite the huge color differences. Did I explain that right?


I'm not on many of the gallery websites these days, but the message I just caught up on brought me genuine sadness. I love and follow and encourage so many artists- but you in particular, for some reason or another, just clicked with me. I adore everything you do, and it's why I'm on your Patreon. If you ever just want someone to talk to, I'm around and will pass contact information. I desperately hope that the things bringing you down are losing strength each day, as you're so much better than that.

Shane Wexelman

I truly do appreciate your kind words and time. We all need our time once in awhile to pull away. I'll do my best and I hope you will do yours!