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Good evening my dears! I hope you're doing alright tonight!

The other day I showed an example of how a remaster might look, the example being Hissed Connections, and so today I spent some time working on an example of what a remake of a story might look like.

In this case I chose Fangs for the conversation. In a remake scenario, especially concerning an older story with lesser pages, dialogue would be changed up, certain elements coming later as more time would be spent with the interactions and chemistry. This in turn would mean that the pages and events would also grow, allowing it time to breathe. Personality and motivations of these characters would also have differences which would add more distinctness to why they are where they are.

Part of the motivations for Reese's change of personality as example would be the idea of someone who is "trained" on talking, but in reality is often drained by constant, poor encounters both at work and on the go. "Freaking vampires out there, man...they eat away at you. Your energy, your time, your emotions...your confidence. Best I can do is smile, and....chill out at some park."

Playing around with these idea's truly does bring me back to when I began this Patreon page. Some of you who are here, have been since the beginning. And that means a lot to me, it does. We truly did grow into a beautiful community together, and you've helped me achieve so much throughout the years. Bless you sweethearts.



Nilix Jones

Bro let's gooo! I always love this comic so much and I'm glad you're revisiting these!


I must say that both of the remakes look lovely. I've held both originals close to my heart for many years, reading and rereading them on my way to stressfull events. The remakes really outline your growth as an artist both in richness of details and dialogue. If you do decide to publish these, I'd gladly grab a physical copy. Still love reading through my copy of "Shy words for Creative Creatures".