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Good evening dear! I hope you're doing alright tonight~

Well here's a fun little treat. The other day I spoke on our discord server of how I had for some time considered remastering both Machine and Hissed Connections. As an example of what that might look like, I worked with this section of panels. The left of course being the original.

TLDR - With the help of one of our own in the community, there may be a large chance that a physical comic may arrive. A poll will be taken soon with a handful of choices based on feedback on which titles are wanted most, and we will go from there! This is turn inspired me to test what a remaster of Hissed Connections might look like.


Machine was my first long form story in the format of single page panels. What would culminate in Hissed Connections as the first project that would take that a step further and create the style of storyboard comics as you know today.

At the time, the style of Hissed Connections as well some aspects of both Taro and Kanara, were born from limitations of artistic understanding at the time, and were a marked transition as I took on a heavier workload I was not used to. Kanara in particular I originally tried to sketch out and design with a less circular head, but at the time I could not be satisfied and so instead blended the ears into the head itself. The same can be said for her inner ear colors.

Stripes are often a warning sign in nature, but again, given my limitations, I chose to make it a simple one distinct line between two. Colors as well I had less a grasp on as this was relatively recent in development going from black and white comics. Seeing this comparison today is like seeing Hissed Connections truly closer to my vision.

That is not to say the designs and style of the original have no merit or value. On the contrary, I adore both looking upon them now. What has prompted this however is recent help and a generous hand from one of us here in the community. Help that centers around making one of our comic series into a format that can actually be printed and properly displayed! However, given that there are years of comics here, I have been trying to get an idea of what comic you dears would like to see most if it was available as a physical copy!

A poll will be going up soon, and while sadly not every story choice can be up there, this may not be the only time this happens. If you would like to help get a certain series onto that list, feel free to leave a comment of which story you want! Just remember! One story per patron~




The glow up is crazy though