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May not look like much, but I'm not trying to build for photorealism, just make something that's detailed enough that I can come back and, say, use the lines for those tiles to speed up how quick drawing them in will go, something to help me out with the perspective and continuity.  I've built out more of the showers building besides this (as shown in some prior screenshots) but for now I'm only going to concentrate on the locker room and counselor showers.  I don't need to fully detail the bathrooms, entryway, etc to do what I need to do for the comic, but I did need to lay them out to make sure the room sizes and the way things fit together was consistent.  For instance, the two locker rooms (camper and counselor), I put these locker textures together, made the benches, laid them out, and discovered that I had probably made the counselor locker room too big (it had 32 lockers, more lockers than there would ever be counselors), and the camper locker room could use some more lockers.  So I moved a wall, moved some lockers around, etc.  I don't need to finish the camper locker room right now, but the first page of the comic is set in the counselor locker room, so figuring that out and sizing the room correctly was important.



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