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Had a bit of a think, and I've decided that I'm going to need to call Feb and March a combined month.  I don't really want to do it, but February is the shortest month, I'm already behind, and I'm just not going to get any more ahead with big pictures like this one to do.  My current plan is to finish this picture (I had said I would be starting on the requests for this month soon, but after deciding this I thought it would be faster if I didn't have to change gears/drop what I'm doing and start something new just to come back to this later), then do the sketches for February.  It'll probably be close to the end of Feb by then, and I'll start work on the Natani & Zen picture that I still owe from December.  Start of March I'll post for more sketch requests, you can repost your ideas if you didn't get picked in Feb, post new ones, etc.  Once the Natani & Zen pic is done, I'll do the sketch requests from March, and then a color poll with the requests from Feb and March combined.

In the end you guys end up still end up shorted one color pic, but this has kinda been a long time coming.  I try not to be one of those pity-party artists and keep my private life and private troubles to myself, but my sister had a medical emergency last Fall.  I was still turning in my work late to you guys back then, but I thought simple hard work would get me back on track since it was usually just a couple days late each month.  My mom flew out to be with my sister in CA for two weeks, I had to take care of my mom's kennel while she was gone, and two of the dogs were poisoned by a careless delivery driver who threw a package over the fence - one died, and I spent several days taking extra care of the second so that he would survive.  I probably should have done this combined month thing then when my month was obviously completely screwed.




I’m so sorry to see that your dealing with a lot, especially dealing with sick animals and family. I wish you the best

Screw the Shadow Walker

I'm sorry for you, and furious at the careless asshole. I would push for justice no matter what, especially if I had some video evidence from a door bell or something. Either way, really love this picture, the cute white wolf on the left is definitely a lucky guy, also that piercing <3

Summer Vixen

No complaints here. Sounds like you're definitely doing what's best for yourself and your art, and in turn, us and our patronage. Thank you for all that you do for our community!


Seff, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, and the poor doggos. Life comes first.


I vaguely wonder if they turned up half-bottomless or this is about to become a horror movie. Got the polaroid camera even. Maybe this was a bad suggestion, though.


My sister pulled through alright, after a heart valve replacement, and the second dog doesn't seem to have suffered any lasting organ damage. But yes, I put life first at the time and I've been struggling to catch up here without giving you guys the full reasons why, since I prefer to try and keep a stiff upper lip about things.