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So I think I've figured out my game loop! The game loop is the main game mechanic you'll be doing over and over again. For instance, Stardew Valley's core loop is farming: planting, watering, and harvesting crops. Pokemon's core loop is battling other Pokemon. There can be other loops as well (fishing or catching Pokemon), but I'm just happy I figured out at least one. 

Before I show you guys - I'll be referring to these "magical girls" as Glams tentatively. This is an ode to the magical girl genre but I want a term that is open to all genders, and I'm tired of typing "magical fashionistas" lol. I have been naming the characters Glam Magenta, Glam Quartz, Glam Chartreuse, Glam Burgundy, etc to really emphasize the "glamorous" fashion aspect of these magical beings, so I figure Glams is a good way to refer to them all for now. But I'm definitely changing it for the final game because Glams sounds like clams and I hate that

Here's a new Glam I designed, inspired by my friend Memorie. The names are total shitposts, I like the idea of going with colors so this Glam's name is gonna be Glam Lilypad or something like that, if you have suggestions I'm open to soft green color names that are reminiscent of frogs!

Each Glam has two forms. Left is his "civilian form" which is easier to walk around in and right is his "glamour form" which is him at his full power

Okay, so now that you've met Glamorie here's how a typical encounter with a Glam will go:

For example, there is a lily pond and you have to cross it to find a Glam, perhaps by jumping on moving lilypads 

Now that you've met them you can talk to them every day. Ask them about food (because who doesn't like talking about food) and learn what they like and dislike 

The more you talk to a Glam and give them foods that they like, you get closer to them. You can unlock cutscenes to learn more about their personality, and maybe there's one particular interaction that inspires you. A recipe appears 

So there are two types of dessert recipes.
Simple desserts, which are like any ingredient + any dessert base, eg Apple Cake, Rose Cake, Rose Tart, Banana Gelato. They are not inspired by any specific person
Signature desserts are unique to every Glam and are more complex, but may use a simple dessert as an ingredient
Once you get the inspiration for the signature recipe you can make it, although getting the ingredients may be a quest in itself 

Once you give this dessert to the Glam and they express their love for it, you've unlocked their power! Now you can make this dessert for yourself and use it as a "henshin item" to transform into that Glam, and use that power to explore more of the world.  For example, unlocking a frog Glam's power could give you the power to breathe underwater, letting you discover underwater Glams...

I think when you unlock their power you only get access to their civilian form, to represent that you have a very limited version of their power. But if you continue to hang out with the Glam and get max friendship you can eventually unlock the outfit in glamour form and wear it yourself! Or mix and match with other Glams' outfits!

In order to not write 500 cutscenes for every Glam, maybe not all Glams go through Step 2. Some Glams can give you inspiration for their signature dessert as soon as you meet them, so you don't have to work as hard to get to know them. Usually these Glams give you recipes for simple desserts (e.g. a marzipan shepherdess can give you a recipe for marzipan) as opposed to powers, but if you still want to get to know them and gift them desserts you can still get their outfits or smth.

Okay, I think that's a hefty enough update for now. Would love to hear your thoughts on this, especially suggestions on how to make this more fun (if it's not for you) and how to make this not too repetitive with all the possible Glam characters that might be in the game!


Mônica Mishima

First of all Glam Phibian is the best name and you know it! Also when the player kisses the frog maybe there's a magical 'poof' and the frog reveals instead the ingredients instead of like... melting away at the face hehehe. So far I'm very interested in the game! The cutscenes you wrote are so fun!


Ooh a magical cloud is a fun idea! I would like these desserts to be able to be made IRL, but there is a lot of magic that can be done in the real world. Perhaps a chocolate or marshmallow shell can be melted to reveal something...I'm going to have to do a lot of research on desserts that can transform but your thoughts are hella helpful, thank you!!

Iliann Perez

Honestly I really really like this, I don't really know what to say, I just love every single part of it ahah. It seems like those idea could turn out into a VERY fun game and I'm really excited to see your next updates. Also... please make this frog kiss happens. I'm lonely and I need some virtual romance. Jk ofc, aha, maybe not.