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Hey everyone! Just a little message to keep you in touch, I've been recently harassed by one particular cosplayer on socials. Sadly he's someone with a bit of "fame" in Belgium, and has a big place in the community. This is a bit problematic for me as he joked about my mom's illness in a video back in June, and basically slut shamed a bunch. He did slut shame and harassed other cosplayers too, but sadly I don't have proof of that, just heard about it and saw it when I didn't really pay attention. I'm seeing my lawyer tomorrow and hope something can be done I'll keep you in touch with how it's going! ~ Miko



He will receive what he deserves, sooner or later, Miko. These people are not worth the attention, but of course this kind of actions must come to a halt. I really hope everything goes right!


I'd be glad to help for that. Histoire de l'aider à faire un cosplay de Michael Scofield. :)


Keep us posted about it