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This is going to be a long wall of text, however, I just REALLY wanted to get my feeling out. Never have I ever imagined I'd be able to work with one of my dream jobs (that being voice acting), nor would I imagine 20.000 people would subscribe to my youtube channel when I created it, in fact, I'd be happy if I ever reached 100 in a year (like a previous channel of mine when I was 16)

You can even tell by my tweets at the time:

Also me super happy about reaching 300 Subscribers

Not only that but by creating this youtube channel I got to meet so many wonderful people, it made me so... happy. I mean, you guys have seen me cry more than once on stream when reading the sweet messages on the Christmas stream or my birthday. 

So... to sum it all up, I just wanted to express my gratitude and say THANK YOU to each and every single one of you. Even with a global pandemic, you guys made this last year the single best one of my life... Let's be together for many more years to come ❤❤

Your's truly, always...

Kindred Spirit



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