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  • Backyard_smoking_30.mp4
  • Backyard_smoking_60.mp4
  • Backyard_smoking_Full.mp4



Final product post 

UPDATED 24/11/22: Finished the reward!
UPDATED 19/05/22: Added another wip picture

This post will be updated everytime I get progress going on the reward!

  • 1- BG sketch: The main focus of the piece this time is the background (which is gonna be tough considering bgs can be time consuming) I took the time to add a good amount of props and things to make it look more like a landskape!
  • 2- Character sketch: The character was pretty easy to do since I'm accustomed to drawing it! I still have some second thoughts about the legs but it's whatever since it's a sketch :)
  • 3- Full Sketch: After resizing the char. and puting the bg in (erasing a bit of it to make the char. more visible) the sketch seems good to go for later stages!
  • 4- Final sketch: Improved the aspect ratio and added some extra elements to it while changing the characters pose after being asked to by the client! Now it's really good to go!
  • 5- Background base: After all the preparations for the sketch are done, I do all the bases for all the elements on the background, all of done made in separate layers and with a sharp flat color
  • 6- Background details 1: This whole picture will take a good while to get done, so I have to tackle each element and add a bunch of extra layers to add all the shadows and details. In here I polish the fence, the grass, the bushes and the dirt along with some other things.
  • 7- Background details 2: In this part I added the details to the house and the shed on the backyard.
  • 8- Background details 3: Continuing with the background following the sketch, I  add the flowers on the garden and the stone path, along with the actual character
  • 9- Background details 4: Added the city in the distance and some plants on the garden as well as details for the mountains and the sky!
  • 10- Lighting effects: After adding some more buildings in the distance I finally add some more shadows and lights to finish.



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