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WIP images   Short time lapse (46m)   Long time lapse (9h 16m)   PSD file

I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out! You can probably tell I had fun painting all the lube, lol. Thank you for supporting that. :)

This is the first picture I've done in a long time where I cut Photoshop out of my workflow entirely. I've usually been doing most of my sketching and painting in Paintstorm Studio and then finished off my illustrations in Photoshop because of Photoshop's tools for color correction, but I've found a method in Paintstorm I'm pretty comfortable with now, so I'd love to spend even less time in Photoshop if I can. Not that Photoshop is the devil or anything, but the brush engine there has always felt a bit disappointing compared to other software, and it's a little bit inconvenient to jump between different software.

Part of the reason I've become comfortable not going into Photoshop for the finishing touches is because I've found a method of working with the Hard Light blending mode that feels very good to me. Keep an eye out for that in the videos and PSD files. I used to use Photoshop's adjustment layers for contrast adjustments for example, but that sometimes means the PSD files won't be fully compatible with other software, like Procreate or whatever, so I've often avoided it if I can. That way you guys won't run into issues when you try to open the PSD file in whatever software you want. And it helps me structure my workflow a little bit better as well, which is good. :)

I should probably try to find the motivation to write a short tutorial on exactly how I use the Hard Light blending mode one of these days, but I'm bad at that, so I probably shouldn't promise anything. It is occasionally on my mind though. 👍

Thanks again for supporting me. You're all super kind to me, and I appreciate that. :)




i love your write ups on your pieces posted here! it's such a joy to read your thought process as you work. if you ever do create that tutorial about how to go from greyscale to color/using hard light mode, i would be thrilled! youre amazing <3


Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it! I always keep putting off the tutorials I feel like I should be making since I keep discovering different ways I like to do things, lol. I hope I'll get around to it sometime. :)


Hi Calm, just putting it out there - I would love to see some bondage / submission themed work from you!


so good