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(I've put the most important bits in bold text if you just wanna skim through.)

I've been reflecting a lot lately on my work and what I want to create for you. If you've supported me here for a while now, you've probably noticed that the format of the content I make here follows a pretty rigid structure. I make thumbnail sketches, you vote for which one you like best, and then I spend the next few weeks making a full illustration out of it. Then we repeat that. However, I feel like a rigid structure can be constricting to creativity. I would like to have the freedom to make more varied types of work for you guys that don't always follow that same formula, which will hopefully also make it more interesting for you.

With that in mind I'm changing, and hopefully substantially improving, how my Patreon page works for you:

  • I'm changing to a monthly plan instead of per illustration. Both have their benefits, but this makes the cost more predictable for you, and is more intuitive for new supporters. I've only made one illustration per month for the past several years, so from your perspective the subscription cost will basically remain unchanged, but can now also support content that's no longer specifically just one illustration. It could be one big illustration, like usual, since I enjoy doing those. Or it could be multiple small ones for example. Or maybe I'll try my hand at making an animation one month, who knows! Having more options makes me happier. Regardless of what I make, I'll try to make sure the effort and work I put in is roughly equal month to month and worth your support. And don't worry, thematically my stuff will still be focused around the juicy stuff I usually make.
  • Rewards are from now on found in the posts on my Patreon page instead of being delivered through private messages. So if you start to wonder why you aren't receiving the download links in private messages anymore, that'll be why. And I'll no longer wait for a specific day of the month to send out rewards, I'll just post the content as I finish it, which means you get your hands on it quicker. Great!
  • Regular sketch polls are going away because they necessitate the rigidity in my content format. I've also noticed that the polls can cause disappointment for some of you when the results aren't what you want most. I'm hoping you'll instead feel happier trusting me with the full decisions of what to make. It'll also allow me to a much greater degree to chase the ideas I feel most inspired by, since I'll no longer need to plan ideas a month or more ahead of me actually working on them. I think that'll help me be more excited and happier about my projects in general, which I hope results in better work too!
  • Finally, the biggest change I've ever made, and the one I'm most nervous about. You now get all my 7+ years of past content included with your subscription here. I'm just very tired of trying to monetize every new thing I make. Capitalism is depressing. I just want you guys to have the things I make. It does mean I'm basically deleting my Gumroad income, which is about 10% of what I earn, and can maybe reduce the incentive to keep you subscribed here in the long term too, which makes me a bit nervous about the future. But it genuinely makes me feel happier to not try to sell you stuff all the time and not try to keep you here through a fear of missing out. If you like what I do, you support me for as long as you're comfortable with, and get everything I can offer in return.

As you might imagine, this makes the newly added Gumroad discount reward redundant, since you don't need to buy stuff on my Gumroad anymore. So the shortlived Gumroad discount benefit is going away, and you can safely ignore my Gumroad if you want to, since you get everything here now.

Here is the new list of your benefits as a supporter. You get

  • my work in the highest resolution available (typically around 5K resolution)
  • time lapse videos
  • work-in-progress images
  • layered PSD files
  • 7+ years of past content
  • + maybe other stuff if I ever feel inspired

Basically the same benefits you've been getting, but with more room for variety, plus all my past stuff.

I think that sums it up. I feel like I should apologize to those of you who have bought my past packs when you can get them at no extra cost now, but I hope you still feel like they've been worth the support you've given me. If you bought them within the last week or so and this change makes you want a refund, send me a private message and I'll sort that out for you.

And I'm sure some of your have questions about things I maybe didn't think to cover here, or things I should clarify, so feel free to ask in the comments!

Also, if you know someone who would be interested in having all my past stuff, you could help me be less nervous about this change by spreading the word. :)

I'll be collecting all that past content into a neat post as soon as I can, including the most recent reward pack, so keep an eye out for that if you're interested.

Thank you for always being so supportive, and for helping me get to a point where I'm comfortable sharing my stuff more freely like this. I look forward to continuing making stuff for you!



Awwsome man! You rock! 😍


Fantastic news across the board. I've always appreciated your approach to Patreon. You rock. <3


Honestly your artwork makes people stick around and support you. It’s extremely high quality. We thank you for what you do.


I don’t see how this is a disincentive for us to subscribe long term. We are subscribed because we like you, we love your art, we want to see the new stuff you are making and support your journey. Access to your old works is super cool but it has nothing to do with why we are throwing you cash today. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!


I just hope this helps you feel more creative. Anything you need to do we're here for you!


I'm happy you are making this change to help yourself out creatively and (probably) much less stress! I am overjoyed to stick around for the long haul!

French Honey Badger

Don't worry, capitalism doesn't mean you need to monetize everything, loss leaders are perfectly find to attract new fans!


I enjoy ur work regardless if I had to pay for the past stuff or not. It has been an honor to see ur progression first hand and all out inspiring. Look forward to what you create for the rest of 2022. 🔥😤🤩


I support you either way and will continue to do so as long as I am able

Pierre Johnson

I'm a little torn on this but if you feel good about 👍 So do you have a tipjar that someone could throw funds into when you make something that moves their heart?


Great deals create goodwill and usually greater profits. Sounds like a good change.


I love you and your art, so I’ll be happy to see anything you draw. Also I’m happy to get all your previous artworks, they are AMAZING


This makes me want to continue supporting here even more. I feel the same way about monetizing content, and think in the long run you will keep that passion alive through doing away with the polls. I'm glad you're taking the steps you need to for your own passion and mental health. <3


If this means more art I don't think anyone would be upset with you upping your subscription price.


Your art has been an inspiration and I trust the decisions you make. Whatever you feel is necessary to keep doing what you do, while also still having fun while doing it is what matters most. Keep up the great work!


Wishing you the best 🙏🏻 While you are still thinking about the new content, may I suggest doing some tutorials? 👀

Dirk In The Dark

I think these are great ideas for improvement. We truly enjoyed voting on stuff, but to be honest, I always liked all of them and would spend more time than you'd likely think reasonable trying to decide! I say, let 'er rip! We're behind you (pumping with enthusiasm) all the way 😁

Ciarán M

To be honest, I actually already thought we were on a monthly subscription 😹 So of this change makes you feel better then go for it! 😸 The prospect of seeing more of your work from before I started following is definitely awesome and it'll be interesting to see what you choose to paint going forward without the polls. All in all, I hope you'll be happy with this change and I look forward to continuing to follow your amazing artwork!


This is so exciting! I’m happy to see you grow and excited to see what comes next on your adventures :))

Andy G

I'm down with this new format and I'm excited to see all of your past work and the evolution of your style (also plz make a master file for the previous art. I've been on other accounts that make you go through years of posts to see everything)

Wild Bill

I kind of like the polls, they make it feel like we're involved in the process somewhat, and while it's disappointing when the one we like most doesn't make it, it gives anticipation for when it finally does. Really, I just wish the votes were cumulative so that pictures couldn't keep losing over and over again.

Will Arnesen

I love the new path you've chosen.


Brilliant! 😄

Griffin Barrows

I am very glad for you, Calm! And I think that's very good about doing away with the polls and chasing your own desires; that's what makes an Artist really shine ✨


congrats on the new restructuring! This sounds like it gives you more space to work creatively as it moves you and I am HERE FOR IT!! I can't wait to see what you make. Thank you for all your amazing content and sharing all the extras you already do.


I think the Gumroad is still very relevant though as I'm sure you have people purchasing there that aren't Patrons here. Or at least I'd assume so. Some folks just like a onetime cost over a monthly one. They feel like they have more control. Regardless, I'm always excited to see what you do next!


Best of wishes with the new changes! To be brutally honest, I _have_ in the past done the "subscribe and run" approach to download lots of content in a single month, but only when the creator charges an obscene amount to support them. You have a _very_ affordable Patreon, so I have no intention of canceling anytime soon, even with access to your past content. I really hope that's the case for your other supporters! If not, some creators have a "you must subscribe for X months to get the historical stuff" policy, but that might be a headache to implement. Still, something to think about. Cheers!


This all sounds great to me! You’ve made some tricky decisions here, but from my perspective they all sound best for you and your followers. Cheers mate!


I mean, I've been a patron of yours for years and don't intend to go anywhere as long as you keep making such amazing art :) I think you'll do just fine, man! I doubt many people will snag and run


You are a completely unique and beautifully talented artist, and it's wonderful to see you make changes in order to work the way that you want to work. You'll always have supporters here, and you could very easily charge more! <3


animATION? everything's blurry... don't toy with me Calm


Thank you, Rando, I really appreciate hearing you feel that way. :)


I guess you're not wrong about that. But I would ideally like to monetize nothing, lol. Sadly, bills still have to be paid. 😅


whatever works for you is fine with me


Can I ask what makes you feel torn about it? And I don't have a tip jar exactly, but people can choose how much they pledge to me here on Patreon, so if they want to give me something other than the default amount, the option is there. :)


Hopefully it means a bit more art, but I'm still not the fastest around, so we'll see, lol. :) I'm pretty comfortable with the current subscription price though, so I've got no plans to change that!


Tutorials are something I would love to have made, but actually making them stresses me out a bit, so I avoid it, haha. I can't commit to it, so it has to remain a hard maybe. :)


I've enjoyed letting you guys have a say as well, but, in the end, doing it for every illustration is kind of a speed bump in my creative workflow, so I really appreciate you being supportive about me removing it. :)


Thank you for always being so supportive, Ciarán. 😄


I hope the master post works well for you. :) It seems like Patreon wasn't entirely built to handle it, but it... kinda worked!


Yeah, letting you be a bit involved in the process like that is something I like in theory as well. It just ended up being a little bit too constricting to have it as a regular part of my workflow. By the time I started working on a winning sketch, my excitement for the idea could already have passed a little bit sometimes. Maybe I'll find a different way to use polls in the future that I'll feel more comfortable with. Not being fully tied to them like I was is a good start at least. 👍


Yeah, I can understand that I guess. My Gumroad store is still there, so they can do that if they want to, even if it means they'll pay more than they need to, lol. I'll leave that decision up to them. :)


Yeah, I've had the people who grab stuff and run in mind. I just feel like they probably aren't my target audience in the first place. I don't want to go through the effort of convincing people to give me money they would rather keep, so it feels better to just keep things simple and not worry about it. I appreciate your concern though. You're right that it's smart to have at least considered it. :)


Hahaha, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned animations. They're an idea I like a lot and would love to be able to make, but they are sooo much work as well. So please have tempered expectations there. :)


A big thank you Calm. I love your art and happy to donate to your hard work creating them. As a fellow artist I understand you striving for it to be more fun for you. Essentially you're trying to share your passion and earn a little bit in the process but not wanting it to be too far out of reach for everyone. I'll look forward to future pieces and happy to donate to your passion.


this actually sounds way more convenient and not too mention exciting for both us as your patrons and you as the artist! cant wait to see what youll have in store for us now that you have more liberties!

Griffin Hawk

Wow, that's quite the change! I think so long as you're comfortable with your financial situation, then it's good of you to go with what is best for you, your creativity, and happiness. I'll be glad to continue supporting you and your work in the years to come, and I hope your decision here works out as well, if not better, than you hope! And thanks for making your past work available like this, it feels like I just got an amazing gift out of nowhere. Thank you :D


You're my hero man


Eeeeeeh, I was happy to see most of this, but I frankly loved your polls and what you've refined them to. It's singlehandedly the only thing driving engagement for me beyond just helping support your art. I loved seeing what you had for upcoming ideas even if they don't get made right now, and I liked that your supporters had (some) say in helping determine what of those upcoming ideas happened soonest. I've been a little disappointed when some lose, but mostly just happy to give input and get excited about some of the ideas regardless. I really hope you might reconsider further adjustment, rather than throwing it out entirely.


Just to be totally clear though, that wouldn't make me un-subscribe or anything; like everyone else I'm here for your expressive, colorful, and fantastic art. <3 Just wanted to speak in favor of saving (or otherwise reincarnating) the polls.


Hey Calm, this post just made me become a patron! Love your work!! <3 I look forward to supporting you for as long as I can~


Yeah, honestly, you could do the visual art equivalent of playing Freebird for 6-12 months and I'd just be like 'yeah, alright, I'll see where this is going or wait out whatever experiment is going on.' You've got enough trust/cred banked that I know you're worth sticking with for the long haul even if things somehow actually went sideways for a bit.


All other things aside; "Capitalism is depressing", amen.


Thanks for all, you're so great!


This sounds awesome. Wanting your artwork to be more available without trying to sell it all the time is why I'll always keep a patreon sub to you. Really love your work and want to see you continue to put out more amazing things.


You're right. "Capitalism is depressing". The more you give the more you receive.


thats great! i look forward to seeing more sketches


This must've taken a lot of courage to do. So thank you, I'm sure a lot of people appreciate this, not just me ♥

Wild Bill

Capitalism is what allows people to try to make a living on their art. In the Soviet Union trying that over having a normal job would risk you getting gulag'ed for parasitism and 'not contributing to society'.


He did it, he actually did it. Absolute madlad. I am of course happy that I and many others can now access all your highest quality work without a significant spend, but I also feel there might still be ways for those who want to support more to do so. While the pay per piece instead of monthly could have still worked, it would have put you in the spotlight to choose what counts as a major piece. Maybe with the 100th illustration approaching you could sell a digital or physical artbook with your retrospective opinion of your past ambitions, techniques and progress of your art. It might seem a little egotistical to yourself, but lets those wanting to support and know more do so without having for you to reveal personal info either. If there is no exclusive artwork within it this would also avoid upsetting anyone here for the art for which you have just promised an even playing field. I came for the cooms. I stayed for the art. I will keep supporting for the artist. PS: I like the removal of the polls. While I liked the engagement, it ran the risk of always being similar scenarios that the majority liked, and the customer is not always right in what they actually want. I'm looking forward to more varied art and scenarios I didn't even know I wanted to see. Your art will be able to carve its identity leaning more on creative scenarios that you enjoy and I think this could be the start of a new period. I am excited!


Thank you so much !


I like these changes. I'm excited to see your past and future work.

Eric Lynch

Hey, Calm - thanks for being so transparent about the reasons behind your decisions, and for your generosity in making all your old work available! I hope people reciprocate that good will. I can say for sure that I would never consider un-subbing. My only point of feedback would be regarding the monthly polls. I think it makes sense for you to work on whatever you feel most excited about, and I don't mind not getting a vote since I definitely get disappointed when the vote doesn't go my way, but I would be sad to miss out on the sketch content. One of my favorite previous posts of yours was just a huge board of all the sketches you'd ever posted, and they were amazing. Even as sketches, they still capture the eroticism of an idea or scenario, and I've always enjoyed seeing them as much as voting on them. Even if we don't get to vote, I'd consider it a win as long as we still get to see all the concepts that you're kicking around in your head! Thanks for your work. Keep it up, and I hope this change is a real positive one for you!


Super excited for all the new types of art you’re planning to create! Honestly I’d be happy with whatever makes you happy and creatively fulfilled as well ♥️


Perhaps instead of a mechanism to drive new works, polls or some other input mechanism might be a good way to gather feedback on past works instead. Still drive engagement and get input on whatever is useful/interesting, but without skewing the creative process or creating a lot of overhead.


Wow, big (and, for you no doubt, scary) changes! Sharing the backlog is outrageously generous. Just wanted to post and let you know that the positivity of your art is what drew me to join your Patreon, and that I'll continue to support your work regardless of how you structure your memberships. Your creative wellness is what's most important to me, and I hope that you'll continue to be flexible as you optimize it. All the best!


I am your fan for years.


It takes a lot of courage to make big changes, but it feels like all of these changes will be for the best.


Zazo Here I am sitting at the cool kids table. :)


Thank you for removing polls! Just recently it’s all been about dicks and jizz which I was getting quite bored of. All of the changes you are making are great 👍


Don't worry, I'll definitely try to keep sharing sketches! Hopefully more often than I used to, but we'll see. :)


You know, this is like a big pro-consumer move even though you didn't have to do it. Which is why I feel even more motivated to support your art! I mean, don't get me wrong, I would have supported you regardless because your art is great and needs to be seen. But this, what you did, is a real MVP move! Also, it allows me to see your earlier works that I've never seen before!

Molly Skyfire

Like I said on Twitter, art is meant to be experienced, not owned or gated. Turning art into capitalized "content(tm)" is really depressing and exhausting. It sucks that so many of us *have* to do that to even survive. But I'm fucking proud to be your supporter, always have been. Your work makes my world a little brighter, fills me with inspiration, and just generally makes me feel good. I'm in to support you till the grave if I can help it.

Molly Skyfire

I envision a future where artists thrive because of the mutual generosity between people who make art and people who love art. I think people like you - making the best damn art they can make, following their heart first, and sharing freely - are making that world possible. Keep going, man.


Wow, while everything in my country is getting more expensive, this absolute legend is giving away his life's work. You are my hero. <3 Love the changes you're making and hope you keep drawing in landscape as I've been using your artworks as my wallpaper for some time now.


The timelapses videos are still available on your gumroad right ? Or are you planning to make them into a gallery too ?


Thank you so much!! I was sad that I had to have to cancel my original subscription to your art because I love it, but it was getting too expensive compared to the budget i had allowed myself on Patreon, but this change allows me to subscribe to you again!! I hope it will bring more people to you ..because you freakin deserve that damn paycheck for the awesome work you do!


How do you decide what to post here and what on other social media platforms? I struggle with that a lot. Sometimes it feels like why should people support my patreon if I post illustrations on twitter as well. Do you have some tips? I ask cause I've seen that you post your illustrations on twitter too. For me I know I'm here cause I'm an artist as well and want to learn. But should I focus on other artists only? I hope this question is okay. Greetings! Big love for you and your work. Keep it up 🙏🏼


Thank you, I'm glad you like it! The way I've typically done it is that I post all my illustrations on social media, but the high resolution versions, time lapse videos and PSD files are exclusive to my Patreon page. I feel like that's a good balance between making my stuff freely available while also having something extra for the people who support me here. I also finish new pictures rarely enough that keeping some of them exclusive here would mean I'd post stuff on Twitter far too rarely, so it feels like a bad fit for how I do things. Posting paintings on Twitter is how I get the word out about my Patreon page, after all. If you make new stuff much more frequently than I do, and if you're comfortable with exclusivity, it's possible that keeping some of it exclusive to your Patreon page could make more sense for you. You'll have to be the judge of that. :)


Yea that really makes sense. Thank you so much for your time. :) Really appreciate it.