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Hey everyone! Here's the first illustration of the year, I hope you like it! I was asked if I could do some extra variants for this one, and it felt appropriate, so I've added those here as well. Feels good to finish a painting again after my break. :)

I'll send out the rewards for this one via private messages on the regular schedule, on February 7th, so keep an eye out for that then.

I'm also attaching the Paintstorm Studio brushes I've been enjoying most recently here. Just keep in mind that I change my brushes all the time, like you've probably noticed if you've seen my time lapse videos, so these aren't necessarily the brushes I always use, but I hope they're still useful to some of you.

Thank you very much for supporting me, and I hope you all had a great January!

And hello everyone who is new here. Welcome! I know there's a whole bunch of you this time around. :)




That's some top-tier stuff. Good work as always!

Griffin Hawk

So many variations! Thanks! :D


Your colors make everything look so tasty



Ciarán M

Oh my now that is one way to start off 2022! I am in utter love with the colours in this piece. The warm skin tones of the character stand out beautifully against the white and purple sheets and pillows and I really like the background with it's blend of colours with a lovely painterly texture to it. The pink hair is also so vibrant too and just looks lovely. All of the white goop draped across the character is also a great contrast with her skin tones too, a veritable splashing of contrast tones across her body 😉😹 The detail of the background is as fantastic as ever! I really like how her body indents into the white sheets, causing it to rise and fold as she sinks into it. The purple sheet under her arm is gorgeous too, one of my favourite shades of purple and I love the deep shadows that really make the folds pop. The pinkish hues mixed in give it this lovely warmth too that stands out even more against the shadows. The pillows are really well done with the patterns having that distinctive shine to them and I really like the bright edge-lighting that further defines its shapes and plane changes. Looking at the character now, her hair is just so gorgeous! That bright, pale edge-lighting gives her it such a lustrous shine and adds even more detail to it. I also like the subtle shine running through her braid and that smooth texture as it blends into the main pink colour. The very end of the pony tail is lovely too with the strands curling at the tips. I love the sense of weight to the hair spreading around her face and how it hangs down in the centre (the part near her ear, I mean) Her whole body is just so beautiful painted too! You've done an excellent job defining her plane changes, like along her right arm and her raised leg. The contrasting light and dark tones there do an amazing job giving these areas their sense of volume. The smooth textures of her skin and the shine it has in places are real highlights too, like the shine along her raised calf, with the edge-light there also making that area pop. I also really like her left arm with the thick edge-light and lower shadow contrasting well and defining the arm so nicely. The dark shadow running along her lower back and wrapping around her two lovely butt-cheeks also give such a nice sense of definition and I like how they blend back into the lighter tones above. I also like her smaller breasts and how they lay flat down onto her chest, with the edge-lighting there doing a great job making them pop and giving them their shape (her nipple is a gorgeous pink too with lovely smooth textures and striking shine from the edge-lighting). Her face is so well done too! I utterly adore the bright white lighting and how it blends into the darker skin tones with a smooth gradient in tone. I don't know what sorcery you employ but you do such a great job making skin look simultaneously smooth and painterly and it just looks so beautiful! I also love the pink tones in her cheeks, giving her that extra warmth, her nose is adorable too and the edge-lighting here is perfect. Her vibrant lips are so luscious too with their gorgeous shine. Absolutely marvellous work on this whole piece! The colours are tailor made for me to love them with the beautiful purple feel to the piece and those warm pinks too, all with a stunning, beautiful and sexy lady at the centre 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 (Oh and the additional variants are terrific! 💜)


Keep up the great work!

Liam Harvey

Love the colours


What a smile !!!


Thank you so much for sharing Paintstorm Studio brushes.

Griffin Barrows

those purple juice sleeves are a hot addition :D


I love her bewbs I love her bewbs I love her her beeeeeeewwwwbssss


That's a nice way to start off the year.


Really love this! The abandoned condoms are a nice touch too! Would love to see her face absolutely slathered next time, but no worries if that's not what you're feeling. :)


that's really great


Where can I get the videos timelapse etc? I still can’t find it


This looks to be your most epic piece yet, thank you for the PS brushes!