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"I think I saw her heading over that way, my lord..!" Someone's living dangerously.

This has been an interesting painting to work on. It was tougher than I had anticipated! I tried a few things that worked well, and a few other things that didn't, and I may have gotten a little bit ahead of myself during the earliest stages of the painting, especially considering it's got a lot of architecture that I'm not super used to painting. And clothes! I think it turned out alright still though! And I'm trying to force myself to leave some unimportant areas a bit looser and not get caught up in polishing everything. I hope to get better at that with time, so I can spend more time making the interesting bits as good as possible instead. :)

Rewards for this illustration will be sent out on my usual schedule, so expect a message from me on November 7 where I'll give you some download links.

I hope you like this one! And thank you very much for supporting me through October. :) Have a happy Halloween! Please eat some candy on my behalf.




This is flat-out awesome! Everything from the architecture to the leaning girl's expression!

Ciarán M

Okay... so ordinarily I go absolutely ham and write a huge comment detailing eeeeeeverything. However this painting is so absolutely jam-packed to the nines that I'd be here for hours if I did that so I'll be forced to do something unthinkable... try to be concise 😅 (at least by my standards) So firstly I love the overall colours, so many lovely cool blues, greys and greens but still bathed in a warm, vibrant light. I really like how the buildings start to fade in colour and detail as they recede into the background while still looking terrific and having a lot going on, like the mixed colours/lighting on the roofs. All of the textures are just excellent, from the stone, to the roof tiles, various plants and of course all of the background characters. I will just give special mention to the lady on the left with the purple dress, I love her and I would love to see her be the main star of a future painting because hot damn, the wavy black hair and that tantalising purple dress are both gorgeous! 😻😻😻 Our main male character looks fantastic and I really like his armour with the overlapping plates and their patterns and textures. The cold steels and cool greens go well with his darker skin tones and I like the gradient in lighting going from quite bright and warm at his head, down towards darker and cooler in his lower half. The two ladies each look fantastic, both in very sexy poses and I love how their dresses slide down their shoulders to reveal their breasts, all of which are very nicely defined with the brighter tones along their top planes and then the dark shadows wrapping around their lower halves. I confess, it's actually the darker haired lady who grabs my attention (and heart 💜) the most. I really like how she leans her head so sexily with the hair draped over her chest. She has a terrific contrast in tone and colour, with her top half tinted this cool, greenish colour, while her arm and thigh coming forward are bathed in a warm light. Oooof, this was tough... forcing myself to leave out details and deliberately ignore stuff 😅 But trust me! You did a fantastic job here, this painting is brimming with detail, the colours are so vibrant and full of life and the characters who are more detailed all look great (I feel bad not even mentioning the outraged elf man who you did a marvellous job with). The lighting too and the way the background details fade is so nice, this has the kind of atmosphere and energy of a fairy tale scene... a sexy fairy tale but a fairy tale nonetheless! 😹Fantastic work and Happy Halloween! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏




Wow, This is fantastic!!!


Absolutely exceptional. Could not have been done better. Thank you your hard work as always.


P.s. love the iridescent look to the tile on the roof of the buildings!


Beautiful work Calm


Sucking my soul


SO HOT SO HOT so dfucking HOT CALM you r mind is SO SEXY this is fucking HAOT


I love it! And yes, don’t worry too much about the other elements. The fact that some are unfinished just adds to the charm


Great work as always


Thank you, Ciarán! It sounds like you found a lot to enjoy. I'm glad. 😄


I'm glad you think so! Letting go of the need to make things polished can sometimes be difficult, so I appreciate hearing that. :)


The colors and details and everything turned out so gorgeous! I find the storytelling here reads super clear, even without any text. Not to mention how the soldier and elves turned out... I absolutely love this piece ❤️


That is one sexy man of color. Happy to see the representation and man is he hot!


Brilliant I love the amount of detail in this - it’s hard to imagine how you can actually paint such clear detail and texture, it’s almost got more than a photo if you know what I mean ❤️❤️❤️❤️🎃


Beautiful. The warm between the light and dark is awesome.

Simon Delott

Gorgeous. Never before have I both envied and identified so strongly with an elf hiding behind a hedge.

John Storm

Wonderful adult fairy tale 😘


I love how the cum helps tell the story - in the non-cum pic, the elf on the right is waiting her turn to suck the guy's cock. In the cum pic, she's already gotten a face full and is just enjoying the view (and the taste!).


Thank you! I've been meaning to try doing more storytelling in some illustrations. I'm glad you think it works well. :)


We were never even taught about the power of cum as a storytelling tool back when I was studying art. It's nuts.


Wonderful makes me want to replay a Fable game.


I love this one! Very cute! I'd like to see more fantasy-narration ones like this! Super cool!


This might be my favorite piece of yours for all of 2021! Gorgeous, detailed setting and wonderfully playful implications