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This one ended up pretty messy! I hope you like it! These red elves are always a treat to paint. I think I like them more and more every time I paint them. And the sort of abstract environment is fun to occasionally do too!

I'll send you a message with the download links for the rewards for this one on September 7, so keep an eye out for those then.

Throughout making this one I've continued to feel how important it is to not zoom in while I work until it's just the final polish remaining. You'll probably notice this when you watch the time lapse video! I highly recommend giving that a try if you've had a habit of zooming a lot in your own work. I think it's been one of the biggest factors in letting me cut down the amount of time I spend on my illustrations. I used to spend 70-80 hours per illustration, but I'm now down to just under 50. That progress feels good! And I'm enjoying my work more too now that I don't stare at it for quite as many hours, lol.

Thank you for supporting this illustration, it really means a ton to me to be able to make these as a full time job, and I hope to be able to continue doing it for a long time! :)







Ciarán M

Oh I just adore the colours in this piece! That overall warm feeling from the lovely ladies and the neon pink bubbles is gorgeous, while the cool blues in the far background, weaving between the pinks is a nice contrast. The textures of the pink bubbles and their wavy patterns are really nice too and add to that dynamic, psychedelic feeling in this painting. As for the girls themselves, an overall thing I really like is how all 3 look distinct thanks to the colour tinting and lighting. The front-most girl is the warmest, with the right-side girl having her colours strongly tinted by the background with this gorgeous soft glow. This effect also looks great in bow it shows how she is the furthest away, almost fading into the background colours. The left-side girl is similar in that she is also softer and less distinct that the front girl. The two side girls are clearly defined, make no mistake about that and absolutely eye catching but they don't distract from the front girl, hopefully I properly conveyed what I meant there in all that rambling 😅 I'll start with the left girl and sat I really like the lighting on her head/face. She has the darkest skin tones and the bright, cool white lighting is a perfect contrast, it also looks great with how smoothly the light blends and fades into those skin tones. Same with the white lighting on her hair too and the overall definition of the hair is fantastic, I really like the hair on her far side, with the warm bright pink contrasting with the dark shadows on the inside, all defining the shapes so well. And you did an excellent job in her expression and how her mout and cheeks stretch forward and wrap around the ding-dong, with her lips having a beautiful shine. (The ding-dong itself is marvellously painted with really great use of lighting and texture) The right-side girl is actually my favourite, I adore the pinkish hue across her skin and her pose is so sexy with how she leans back, mouth open to catch the goo with her wonderful breasts rising and perky. Her hair is fantastic and I like how it's flowing forward, it gives this sense of motion as if she's falling backwards and the hair drifts forward, taking a second to catch up with her. The hair is excellently defined and again, the clear contrast in light and dark tones and the sharp divide between them defines their shapes perfectly. I really like the lighting on her body, soft and warmer on her chest and tops of her breasts, with darker shadows wrapping around her breasts, accentuating their shapes. The tones of her chest contrasts well with her darker stomach and I love the wide edge lighting on the breast and waist, also cutting inwards towards her pelvis, accentuating those shapes and popping against the shadows. Her face is beautiful too with soft skin tones and subtly defined features, with her lusciously shining lips drawing the eye. The streaks of goop wrapping over her face and body add extra definition to her and I really like how you painted the shooting strings of goop with a real sense of weight, motion and texture. And with the middle girl, I love the overall scene here being from the POV of her lucky companion, getting to look into her vibrant eyes and get a full view of her beautiful face. I do have to compliment the ding-dong here too as I really like the colours, with with skin tones smoothly blending into the reddish hue of the tip and balls. The lighting on the shaft is great too with the dark shadows running along it and defining it. But back to the girl, her hair is fantastic and I love the bright white lighting on top, with dark shadows below and on the inner planes of the hair, creating an overall gradient in tone and defining the shapes so well. Her body looks really nice too, I especially like her left arm with the bright lighting alongside dark shadows, as well as where that area connects to the chest/breast. The edge lighting on the breast both defines its shape and makes it pop from the dark shadows of the arm. And her face is just wonderful with her smooth textures, rosy pink cheeks and vibrant eyes. The love heart pupils is a fun detail too and I love her nose and its little shine spot. The smooth colour gradient on her tongue is very nice too, same with her lips and their shine. Once again all the goop is really well painted and as it wraps over her face, adds extra definition to her. And lastly, I do also like how her face pushes against the ding-dong with her tongue reaching down towards it, both cute and sexy. Excellent work on this piece! With the simpler background, I thought my comment might be a little shorter but nope! You gave me a whole hell of a lot to talk about with the characters 😹 Beautiful work once again and god I do adore those background colours and the whole atmosphere here 💜💙 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Cum everywhere! I love it!


GORG! I always love updates on your process. Agree that sometimes spending less time on something makes it better.

John Storm

Always splashy 😍


You keep being very generous with your compliments, as always, Ciarán! I hope I deserve it, lol. Thank you very much. 😄


Thanks! Yeah, it might not always result in objectively higher quality illustrations, but I still feel better about them and am less exhausted by them, which is important. After all, priority #1 is to have as much fun making them as possible. 😄


Everyone here writes how good is this art. But as a person who has fallen in love with your drawing technique, I can say that your works have become very smooth and there are few details and rendering in them. Less than before. I want to tell the truth, because I love your past arts, I adore them, and I am very sad.


I appreciate you speaking your mind about it, M-oni. :) The way I see it, it's natural for an artist's art style to go through phases, as mine is doing. It kinda helps me see different parts of my workflow from different perspectives, and I get new ideas about what has worked well and what hasn't which I feel is healthy for how my work continues to develop. So, while this most recent illustration has a slightly simpler art style to it, it can still contribute to me being able to make more detailed work in the future, if that makes sense. I realize it means not every piece of work I make will resonate equally well with everyone. But learning is a journey, and I feel like I'd be doing myself a disservice if I only stuck to the same path and didn't explore different approaches, so.. it is what it is I guess. I hope my future stuff will resonate better with you. :)


Hello! I'm a new subscriber to your work and I'm unable to locate the time lapses! Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Hey, welcome! :) The time lapse is a part of the reward pack that I send out on the 7th each month. You'll get a message in your inbox then with the download link for it.

Paul Diamond

Honest question here: How do artists/you (Calm) deal with their Patreon comments? It's seemingly a grab-bag of compliments, criticism, and sometimes the comments are just rude. I really enjoy this piece. It hits certain notes for me with the cumplay and the high fantasy. And the glowing eyes are exciting; I can't decide if it is: part of her physiology, if she is under a spell, or if she is placing a spell upon the owner of the dick. OR maybe it is just inDICKative of how cock-hungry she is. Great job 👌


Honestly, the vast majority of comments are always positive. It's rare that anyone ever has any critiques, and when they do I've interpreted them as respectful enough. And I haven't personally experienced any comments as rude that I can think of, though I'm admittedly not always the best at picking up on social cues, especially in text form, lol. People come here to support me, so I kinda just assume their intentions are good. :) And thank you, I'm glad you like the picture. 😄


I love the cumplay here! nothing quite like a good facial! :)