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Hey everyone, I hope you've had a great month! I finally got around to painting this illustration! I don't paint Luke and Maya together in a scene very often, so this was fun. The sketch for this one was so old that I even had to repaint the thumbnail sketch so the process for it wouldn't be so outdated, haha. I painted the original sketch back in 2017, and my sketching process has fortunately gotten much more organized and (hopefully) easier to understand since then. I hope you like how the painting turned out! The rewards for this one will be sent out on June 7.

Last month I mentioned that the painting process for that month's illustration felt very comfortable, and I hoped it would carry through to this month's illustration, and it did! Sort of! This one has some challenges, but overall I'm happy with how it went. For a long time I've wanted to cut down on the number of hours I spend on an illustration. A couple of years ago I'd regularly be at around 70-80 hours per illustration, but recently I've been down to around 50, which is much closer to where I wanna be. Ideally I think I wanna be under 40, but I also want to put in as much effort as I can into making good illustration. I'm getting closer to finding a balance there that I'm comfortable with.

Anyway, thank you very much for supporting my work this month. I look forward to making more paintings for you!




I have been waiting for this one for a while! Lol




Gah that’s fucking beautiful man !

Angel Ortuño

One of my favourite sketches, finally done! 🎉. Always voted for this in each poll. Years passed, lost hope. And finally booom 🙏😭

Ron Sogers

It looks so great


i have been wanting to see this one finished for a while now! im glad its finally here. Congratulations on your hard work!


Thank you 😭


Finally! It's done! It looks wonderful

Ciarán M

Oh man, I've wanted this painting for so, so, sooooo long! At last it's finally here and it absolutely lives up to what I wanted 😻😻😻😻😻 Talking about this one will actually be a little easier since I know the names of all characters involved which will be nice 😹 There only being 2 people should help quite a bit too! But seriously though, let's begin! Starting off, I like the background a lot, with those bright white lines of light cutting through the dark tones. The way the light spreads out with this misty texture before blending back into the darkness looks great. The bedsheets are all fantastic too and I like the mix of white, burgundy and bright green, all contrasting well with each other. The textures of the sheets, their details and lighting are all so well done, with so many folds collapsed over each other, with some of the material being bunched up in places. As examples, under Maya's right leg and under the silver goblet, with the former, I love how the leg actually pushes down into the sheets, with the material then rising nearby. That goblet looks so good too, the silver shine is gorgeous and having the colours of the sheets being reflected in the metal is such a nice touch. The liquid falling out and clinging to it and the sheets is so good too. Both characters look fantastic and as is tradition, I'll start with the lucky lad! (seriously, this Luke fella, my jealousy is real 😹) I love how you've rendered his hair, it's got a subtle, warm shine in places, with so many strands painted, overlapping and sticking up and all with a great sense of shape and volume. The white edge-lighting is especially nice too, contrasting well with the warm brown. I really like the contrast in tone across his skin too, his face, right shoulder and both hands are quite warm, but his left shoulder+arm are left cooler in the shadows. I should've mentioned this earlier but it'll do here, I do like the overall lighting and tones, with the brighter, warmer lighting radiating around Maya's butt, drawing the viewer's eye there to the action, with that warm lighting then causing that glow onto Luke as well. As always, the way you paint your male characters is so good! I love the textures and structure of how you paint muscles and how they all overlap and interlock. For example, his right forearm looks so good with the clear plane changes and rippling forms of his wrist, as well as where his left trap, deltoid and upper arm all lock together. Both the hands are terrific with the large hands/fingers all having clear plane changes with great contrasts in light and dark tones defining them. I like his left hand with the warm lighting in the middles of the fingers, with shadows behind them and some pale edge-lighting for contrast. With the other hand, the shadows and light across the fingers define the bending planes so well and again, the pale edge-lighting really makes it all pop! And his face is so well done too, I really like that although he's mostly in shadow, there's these soft glows of warm light on his cheeks and nose, making them pop but in a more subtle way. And then there's Maya.... hoooo boy, well I immediately love the purple hair and the smooth transition of tone on her horns, from skin colour to purple at the tips 💜💜💜💜💜 The shapes of her hair are beautiful, it all flows perfectly with meandering curves and twists. The subtle shine on the top with that pale back-light mixed in is gorgeous and I do like some subtle hints of warmer tones towards the bottom, around her face and in the hair that falls behind her arm. I adore her face as well and I like the subtle textures you've worked into the horn, the plane changes are so nice, as is that colour transitions and like with the hair, there's even that subtle mix of a warmer tone on the bottom planes. Her face has this nice shine to it with that spot of light on her cheek and nose. The edge-lighting on her nose and lips really make them pop and you just did such a great job on all of her features and her expression, I just love her wide smile and the way she looks back at Luke. Her arm is a great example of what I mentioned about the lighting before, the hand and forearm are largely in cool shadow but then as we get closer to the shoulder, there's that soft warmth blended in which is such a nice contrast. And I do like the pale tones of the shoulder too with that hint of pale edge-light. The legs with her thigh-highs look so sexy with how they squeeze her thighs and I adore the textures of the material. They've got this really nice painterly feel to them and the actual definition of the anatomy underneath is terrific. And saving the action for last... wait... somehow I'm only noticing now that Luke is nibbling her butt, the cheeky devil 😹 But back to that butt, goodness, it looks utterly beautiful! The warm skin tones are just gorgeous and the actual shapes, volume and definition are all perfectly painted with smooth shadows that softly blend into the skin tones. I absolutely love the left butt cheek too and how the thigh rising up overlaps it, with both the butt and thigh having this sensual squishiness to them 😻😻😻😻😻 You did a fantastic job on the actual butthole and how it interacts with the toy. The way they both contact with each other is terrific and I like how the edge of the hole really looks like it's clinging to the toy while also lifting along with it as it's pulled out... god this is such a curious thing I find myself trying to describe in detail 😹 But seriously, you did a terrific job on these interactions and shapes. Also for her... uh, her special place down below, the red hue you've mixed into the skin tones looks great too, really warm and appealing and a nice contrast to the dark shadows immediately below it. And of course the big orbs of the toy itself have a great sense of volume, texture and colour. The colours are really nice with a mix of warm and cool tones blended in. And applicable to both the toy and Maya's perfect butt and thighs, all of the lube spread over them and clinging to them does a great job of adding even more definition to their shapes. Oh and I just noticed some lube clinging to the bottom of Maya's right thigh and the sheets below, with the liquid being tinted the colours of the sheets, really great detail! Suffice to say, I'm very, very happy to finally see this sketch idea brought to life! It's utterly wonderful, with everything that I love in your work, beautiful textures, vibrant colours and contrasts of lighting and tone and best of all, characters who genuinely look to enjoy each other's company 💜 Excellent work! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


After many and many polls, I'm actually glad to see this come to fruition. It needed it's moment.


Oh man, soooo worth the wait! Thanks for this!!


Waited a long time for this one. Worth the wait. Amazing work. <3


Amazing! Been wanting this one for a few months!


this thumbnail has been around forever! and i love it

Cal Santiago

Splendid work as always. Looking forward to seeing more “collaborations” from Luke and Maya in the future. :)


Finally! I can't say how long I've voted to see this one illustrated. It looks great. The light and dark contrast is refreshing, and we are still able to see the darker parts well.


Worth. The. Wait.


Oooh, looking forward to this one dropping. Nice.


They are gorgeous!! 😭💞


Changing up how the polls work a little bit turned out to be a good idea!


Thank you, Ciarán! I was a little bit on the fence for a while about how simple the scene is, without much detail in the environment, so it feels good to see you still be able to write so much about it, haha. I really appreciate all the compliments!


Thank you! And yeah, let's hope they cross paths again soon. :)


Man, I'm glad we finally got this one. It turned out splendid :D


That's some real capacity! ;) Great work as always, Calm!

Goofey Disney

haha finally, it looks great


50/40 hours on an illustration...for me it is a dream


I can hear the Splorp, Splukluch, Shbop, sounds from here. Glorious.

John Storm

Many do not realize that art is hard work. Respect! And thank you again and again for these wonderful scenes :)

Heteropoda Maxima

Super hot. More horned women or in general more succubi women please ;)