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Vote for your favorite thumbnail sketches! The one with the highest number of votes will be the one I paint after #83 is finished. The last few polls have all been super close, so I hope you'll all use your votes!

If you're curious about which one won the last poll and will be the next painting, check out the results. I know some of you have waited a long time for that one to win. I'll do my best to make a good painting out of it. :)

Oh, and sorry about the weird doubled and/or blank messages when I sent out rewards earlier today! Patreon's scuffed bulk messaging system sent out a blank message instead of what I wrote, and then half an hour later, while I was typing out a new message, it decided to send the original message. Twice. Not very reassuring! I'm normally nervous about making mistakes when doing bulk messaging. Knowing they have bugs like that in their system only makes it worse, lol.

So if you were annoyed by me spamming your inbox today, it wasn't my fault, I swear! :)

If it messed up even further and some of your didn't receive your rewards, please message me about it. Sadly there's no way for me to know otherwise.

Anyway, here are the sketches you can vote on!




OMG 1,2 and 4 are all fantastic!


Right ?? Loving the pink and purple colour pallet !!


Well someone went to a rave before they did this week's sketches.

Andy G

Is it possible to vote for 1 AND 4 🤔

Simon Delott

How am I supposed to pick when these are all SO good? I'm leaning towards 3 but these are all excellent.

Ciarán M

Yes! Finally the previous #1 won! I can't wait to see it finally come to life 💜💜💜 As for these new ones, loving the colours, so vibrant and purple 😻


Quite possibly the most impossible choice to date


Wow these are some really good ones. The sexiness of 4 and that downright dirty of 2 are sooo perfect!


Hoouuu... that's a tough one...


Damn! They are *all* realy realy good.... can we get a fifth option to go ham and all in?


Wow these new ones are really good. But the real standout one is number 2... Kinda looks like a still frame from an AtM video


Gotta vote 1 for the POV.

Eric Lynch

Uh holy shit dude, this is the hottest set of sketches I think you've ever posted. Can you just make all of these and we skip voting for the next four months? Jesus christ.


why is my favorite always the least popular?


come on #2! We need that ass!


TWO TWO TWO! OMG TWOOOOO! (all are home runs though!)


please for once just make a poll with only number two in it...common guys vote up for 2 :/


Fugg, all of them are bonkers


Blowjobs win almost every time they are there it feels like.


I voted 2, but 4 is pretty nuts. Im ok with that one winning.


Yes always blow jobs and pussy ones, it's like majority always vote for these and the amazing new pieces in which I see a lot in the polls get less love and will never happen so it always move to a similar image instead of having more variety... I wish calm re-arrange next poll and put pieces that never got vote together, so atleast they find their chance... cause no matter what if you put a blow there it always wins


I can't believe 4 won by such a landslide, I'm not mad at it though.