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If only the herbalist who hired Luke to go out and collect ingredients for them knew what they're missing out on by not doing it themselves. :)

It was fun returning to painting a water nymph again. I really like them. And I hope you like how the painting turned out! Thanks a ton for supporting it!

The reward pack for this one will be sent out in about a week from now, on the 7th of April, as usual. Keep an eye out for the message in your inbox then where I'll give you the download links.

The current poll is way too close by the way. Again! Only three votes apart at the moment, so if you haven't voted yet, your vote's got a good chance at making a difference!




The angle here is wild. 😯


This is awesome man


Man your art is just amazing


great artwork!

Ciarán M

My boy Luke here sure does get all the best adventures! 😉😹 And I have always enjoyed his design, the simple shirts he wears with the straps always remind me of Nathan Drake from Uncharted. As for this painting, it once exemplifies so much of what I adore about your work. The colours are so incredibly vibrant and beautiful. I love this sandy/forest with it's green-yellow surroundings and foliage, the warm sand and the cool, vivid blue water. There's this gorgeous haze in the far distance too that I like that tints the background and I enjoy the bloomed effect it adds to the atmosphere. The way you stagger detail throughout the environment is great too with everything being highly detailed and textured in the foreground but then becoming less complex further back and more silhouetted, so as to not distract from the foreground details. And all throughout, I really like the organic shapes of the tree roots and how they wrap around and overlap each other, as well as the twisting textures of the tree bark and branches (I really like the greenish edge lighting on the branches of the tree in the left side of the image) The grass beneath the Nymph and the various textures of the leaves and rocks look terrific too and I like the strange purple-pink plants that really pop against the greens. Luke's bag also has a really nice painterly texture too and I like the definition where the material is falling or collapsing under it's own weight or the weight of it's contents. As for the characters, I'll start with Luke and say I like the subtle shine in his hair and how the fringe is spreading out and curling, like it's gotten all messy in this new adventure. The shirt looks great with it's clear contrast in light and dark tones, defining where the material folds as well as his figure underneath. His left arm also looks great with it's tones reversed, mostly dark with the lighter tones defining the shapes. You also did a great job rendering how his bulging muscles stretch out the clothes. The rendering and textures of his lower half are great too with the light and dark tones being perfectly blended with a mix of smooth and painterly brush strokes. The shadows do a terrific job defining his tensed leg muscles and the bright spots really sell that shine. I also like how parts of his skin are tinted blue and green from the surroundings. And lastly the crinkled, rippling folds of his pants also look great and I like how heavy the material looks, falling down over itself. And then there's the Nymph... oh my sweet merciful goodness... Purple is my favourite colour but god you make a great case for blue! 💙💙💙💙💙 I adore everything about her, I love her wide and happy smile and how she turns her head to look up at Luke, there's something so sweet and intimate about that. I also love her pose, the way her body presses against the tree with her arms wrapped around it, with her back arching up to raise her behind up towards Luke with her legs sensually spreading around and straddling the greenery beneath her. And the way her breasts push into the tree too, hiding her nipple from view is a gorgeous tease too. The rendering is exquisite, her hair is gorgeous with a subtle shine and I like it's sense of weight as it falls forward and drapes over the tree. The colours of her skin are so vibrant too with a mix of bright and dark blues, with green bounce light from the environment highlighting her breast and legs, with my personal favourite parts being the purple blended in. Those purple lips look absolutely lovely and so appealing and you did an excellent job defining her features. Her anatomy and skin textures are amazing too and I love the definition of her arm, where her trap connects to her shoulder, as well as her calf and the shadows running along and cutting through it to define the muscles. A really nice detail too is how her skin compresses where Luke's hand presses into it. I think this may well be among my favourite paintings of yours! The composition is lovely, the colours are so vivid and vibrant with great contrasts. The characters are posed in such a sexy and sensual way and the Nymph just looks so beautiful and joyful, really bringing a great sense of energy to the scene along with the colours. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Absolutely beautiful!

Skyler Foster

The amount of detail in all of your work is just stunning!

Dirk In The Dark

Thanks, so awesome! That "rocking up to meet him" look in her eyes is the best!


I wrote the best comment and my friggin internet cut out. QUICK RECAP: This is absolutely stunning, Luke's orgasming on several planes, it's actually a threesome with the tree perhap? Again the way his hands are gently gripping her whilst experiencing a mind-bending climax is the hottest thing in the history of time and space. Thank you so much for painting this. It's my favorite thing now.


Love the flexing perspective Calm this is honestly my favorite

Cal Santiago

The long-awaited sequel to Illustration #32? :D

Griffin Barrows

Woof, Luke is the freaking man! 🤤🥰


Tried to create some dynamism with the angle, hopefully it worked!


I'm very glad to hear you like both the characters and the environment. The next one coming up will be in the same vein as this one, so hopefully you'll like that one too! I'll do my best to make an equally good case for green girls there. 😄


Haha, I'm very glad you like it that much, Dorn. I'll try to make the next one even better!


Yeah! I guess it's actually a trilogy now, if you include #65. 😄


I'm glad you're still enjoying him and his adventures!


I'm new, lol. Ya got any elf guys or pointed eared guys that fuck other pointed ears chicks? Humans in fantasy are not this cool...or lucky, lol heh heh a link would be great


Hey, welcome! I've painted a few elf guys in the past, so it certainly isn't out of the question. It just depends on what I'm in the mood to see when I'm making the thumbnail sketches. I don't know if I've got one with both male and female elves, but #79 might be somewhat close to what you're after maybe? If you'd like to, you can go to my gallery post (https://www.patreon.com/posts/illustration-of-23115578) and download the zip file there that contains the full collection and see if you find what you're after. :)


can you send me a link to your other tiers, i cant seem to find anything? thanks


I used to have more tiers up until a year ago, but to make things simpler and more affordable I consolidated the higher tier rewards down into the $3 tier so you get all of those there now. I might add other tiers again in the future if I come up with new stuff I wanna offer as rewards, but for now it's just the one tier. :)


Give everyone in the next work pointed elf ears, hell, even the pet cat!!!