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Hey! Here's a silver haired elf for ya. I feel like she turned out kinda cute, so I'm happy! And I think she's happy too!

Honestly, I thought I'd struggle to finish this one on time since I was behind schedule at the start of a short month, but I did it! It feels good to be back on schedule. :)

You'll get the reward pack for this one in about a week from now, on the 7th, as usual. Keep an eye on your message inbox then.

For this one I returned to the plain 2D workflow (except for the guy's hand), so if that's your jam I hope you'll enjoy that when you see it. The benefits of each approach is starting to crystallize for me, bit by bit. I don't yet know which I will end up preferring, but I'm having fun learning!

Oh, and as of writing this the current poll is extremely close, so you guys should get your votes in if you haven't!

Thank you for supporting me! :)




She turned out VERY cute. Elves with glasses is always a win. Great work calm!


Super cute elves are always great.


This looks stunning. And I gotta be honest I prefer the 2d workflow look. Using 3d makes the characters look somewhat cg and a little bit lifeless compared to pieces like this.


I prefer the 2D, a little impressionism adds a lot of character. Using 3D little here and there to assist is probably the best


Holy the breeding in this is good!!!


Hey Calm I love your work but my girlfriend tells me there is very little representation of non-white people in erotic art and my research 🧐 tells me she is very correct. Can you do some with non-white folks?

Coom Demon

As always, your work is a marvel to behold Calm.


Love it. Can't wait to watch the video!


Man, this is next level :) love it


Dude I LOVE the hand positions and energy. All of your paintings have deeply wholesome hand placement it's fucking romantic and warm and wonderful.


Beautiful work! :D


GOD. I love how -HAPPY- and how much enjoyment is in the faces of your art. and how you draw mouths. and cum. and.. well everything. Thank you 🙏


This months pic is a silver haired elf. So she’s not white exactly and she isn’t human 😉 I think you will find that most of Calm’s illustrations are elf’s and not humans.

Ciarán M

I love reading your descriptions and seeing something like this "I feel like she turned out kinda cute", kinda cute?! She's extremely freaking cute 😻😻😻😻😻 And you definitely succeeded in making her look happy, that's for sure! Immediately, I just love the colours in this piece. The top half of the image with it's mainly blue/white tones is a perfect contrast to the warmer colours in the lower half, also making those warm-toned characters really pop against that cool background. That same background does itself look lovely with those dashes of pink from the plants and the particle effects floating through the air, adding even more vibrancy to the cool tones. The actual background and it's rendering is as amazing as always and I love the outside buildings, they have a great tonne of detail and I like how the colours let them just blend into the blue sky. They're all noticeable and well defined but they don't distract from the foreground, it's a great balance that you've struck here 😸 The interior background is great too with those columns with their rippling shapes, bathed in blue shadows on the front but hit with whiter tones on the right for a nice contrast. The plants are terrific too with those vibrant pink flowers illuminating the plants with a warm glow. I also love the colours and textures on the left plant pot with this rippling texture to the white lid, some clear tone contrasts defining the plane changes and some blue tint to the pink part, adding a lovely colour contrast. (I swear, with your paintings, it's just as nice scouring the background for details as it is to admire the beautiful characters you paint and believe me, that's a serious compliment given the wonder of your characters! 😻) And then looking at the fore-ground, that book actually looks freaking fantastic. Love the brassy, metallic corners on it with the bright edge-lighting, same with the shining green jewels.. The pink glow from the particle effects looks gorgeous on both the front of the book and shining onto the green jewels and I love all the detail you put into the books pages. And then lastly before the characters, that cloth under the characters is lovely, the white sheets look great being mostly in shadow with brighter lights on the top planes defining it. While the pink section is really lovely with a great sense of texture and so many rippling, crinkling and overlapping folds. I also really like where there's some blue tinting into the material for an added contrast (and seriously, I adore the texture!) And now onto the characters! Well I always start with any guts in a scene before I get to the main event of the ladies and thanks to this angle, I'll actually be pretty brief on the guy... brief by my standards anyway 😅😹 The parts of him that we do see each have really great tone contrasts. His thighs being mostly in shadow with bright edge-lighting along the top planes looks terrific and even then, there's a lovely gradient of tone within those shadows, giving this thighs a great sense of shape. I also like the pink tinting to his skin from both the sheet and floating particles. His arm is really good too with the opposite kind of contrast to the thighs, being coated mostly in warm light with the dark shadows across his fingers to really define those plane changes as he holds the lovely lady. Something I really like is that thin shadow that comes from his hand and cuts into the forearm, showing the overlap that would be caused from how his hand is bending. And now for the glorious centrepiece that is this beautiful elf-girl. When you look at her, it's hard not to be immediately enchanted, both by the striking lighting across all of her with the vibrant contrast between the warm light bathing her body and the darker shadows that help define her, as well as that glorious look on her face! 😻😻😻 Starting in that area, the contrasts here are really nice with her face standing out from her cool, white hair which is especially lovely thanks to the blue tint to it. As always, your hair is incredibly well detailed with an amazing sense of flow and motion as it all cascades and meanders down, even draping over her body. The face is just perfection, I really like the divide with the top half largely being in cool shadow while the lower is in that warm light, still with dark shadows across her cheeks and chin to really define her features. Her glowing pink eyes pop especially well against the shadows and are so striking. While I utterly adore her overall expression, the wide smile would be beautiful enough by itself but the way she's also running her tongue along her teeth is just insanely sexy! 😻😻😻😻😻 The definition across all of her is equally well done with warm light shining from above, while shadows wrap around the lower planes. A perfect example of this being her breasts and stomach, as the shadows on her breasts curl around those lower planes, while also wrapping around the the stomach and even through the belly-button area to add more definition. I also adore the neck area too, how there's this triangle shape divided into light and dark down the middle, framed then by this V-shape of opposing light and shadow, making that area really pop! The edge-lighting in places is just wonderful too, like on her shoulder and along her raised calf, which itself looks terrific as that same light contrasts with the larger shadows below with their own mix of gradient tones. What I also really like are the silver jewels across her arms that pop well against her skin, have a gorgeous shining texture of their own and that pop even more with some pink tinting to them. You have done a truly glorious job with this piece! So good that there's almost too much to talk about! I didn't even touch on her glasses, the sweat and goop textures or entire parts of her lower half 😹 As always, absolutely astounding work on this painting with it's sensational textures, glorious colours and lighting and for creating such a bubbly, happy scene between two characters (the way she's holding his arm is so cute!) 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


yeah I hear you. Would still love some more non-white people!


I love this comment! ...and the art for the same reasons


Thank you! I think it does in large part come down to practicing how to avoid the lifelessness that 3D can cause. My first several attempts are bound to have some of that unfortunately, but hopefully less over time. :)


Yeah, I imagine that's where I'll end up with it. Like in this illustration where I used 3D to assist me in painting a hand, but that was it. Other times I'll probably use it just for setting up some architecture or something. :)


I answered this in your private message, but I'll answer here too for other people reading. Yes, I want future illustrations to keep having diverse characters. 😄👍


Thanks, Dare! I hope you'll find some interesting stuff in it!


Thank you, Dorn! Hands are natural focal points, so it's nice to try to do something interesting with them. I wanna become even better at that, and I'm happy to hear you think I'm on the right track. 😄


Thank you! It's fun to hear you feel like the happiness comes across well in the pictures. 😄


Haha, I'm glad you also think she's cute, Ciarán. 😄 And I'm often a little bit unsure if I overwork the details in unimportant areas, so I'm glad to hear you think I hit a good balance of a detailed background without it taking too much attention. I keep being pleasantly surprised by just how many of the details I paint that you notice and talk about. It really does help make me feel like the little details are worth their effort. Thank you! <3


Beautiful piece! I'm sure you've mentioned this before, but what plugin (if it is) are you using to create perspective grids? I've done some searching and couldn't find much,^^;


Thank you! The plugin is called Perspective Tools v2. You can find it here: https://gumroad.com/l/MESl The guy who made it has some other useful plugins there too that you might like to check out. :)


is this luke again?


These are so lovely.