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Hello! I hope November's been good for all of you. Here's what I did this month! It's always really fun to paint purple girls, so I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I also enjoyed it because I managed to hone in on a slightly more structured workflow. It's always a relief to feel like stuff comes together in a way I can more easily organize in my head and replicate in future work. And I hope that translates to you guys also understanding the process more easily when you see it.

You might also notice I used some slightly textured brushes in this one. If you like the look of them, you can find them here (you might need a Photoshop subscription though, I'm not sure).

Keep an eye out for your reward pack on December 7. I'll send you a private message then with the download links. :)

Thank you very much for supporting me and what I do here!



Ces White

Yes! Can we get more of the girl standing in the background? Thaaaaats really interesting too

Cal Santiago

Amazing work as always! By the way, I’m just curious if you do fan art commissions? I’d love to see an illustration of Zagreus and Megaera from Hades in your style!


Absolutely love the girl on the right.


Hoo lord that girl sudsing up in the background is stunning too! Love when you do vibrantly hued girls for sure, glad to hear you enjoy painting them!

Ciarán M

Hot damn, this painting is an absolutely sublime explosion of vibrant colour! 😻😻😻😻😻 I love the whole scene with it's beautiful colours, with the cool blue sky and white clouds streaking across it, as well as the warmly lit green leaves with red and orange fruits and birds, as well as the branches/trunks popping against them. The stark white pillows and rocks look terrific and with the cool tones behind them, really letting the vibrant tones of the characters and their immediate surroundings stand out in the mid to foreground. The two background ladies are fantastic, with the green bottle, golden goblet and yellow fruit and sheets under the two main characters also being great dashes of colour throughout the scene. All the textures of the background are as beautiful as ever with this whimsical, colourful style that you have that is just so full of texture, I always adore how you paint trees! The white pillars and rocks are so well defined with the starkly contrasting shadows and I especially like how the left pillar morphs into more organic shapes towards the bottom. The left-most blue-haired lady is amazing, her expression and pose are so very sexy and I love the dark shadows that sculpt the shapes of her arm and midsection, with the bright little highlights giving her a wet shine. That delectable chocolate-skinned elf to the right has absolutely stolen my heart! 😻😻😻😻😻 The bubbly white suds all over her really contrast with her dark skin, her smile is gorgeous and the subtle lighting on her black hair is very well done. I love her sensual pose as she caresses her body and squeezes her breast, with her breasts and nipples having such voluptuous shapes. I'd love to spend more time talking about both ladies but I haven't even gotten to the foreground objects yet and god knows this comment will already be too long as it is! 😹 So looking at the foreground, the shine on the green bottle is very nice, as is the reddish liquid inside giving it a warm contrast. The yellow fruit is amazing and I really enjoy all the colours mixed into it. The massively crinkled, crumpled yellow sheet under the purple lady has a wonderful texture and I just love the vibrant lighting and rendering of the folds, while the knocked over goblet has this terrific, reflective shine to it and that spilled white pops very well against the white ground and soapy blue water (And I do love how you made the sheet so ruffled and knocked over the goblet, adding to the energy of the scene and characters) The man is absolutely brilliantly painted and I do always love how you paint muscular figures on men. With this painting, his left shoulder/arm looks especially brilliant with the shadows and warm light contrasting so well and sculpting the overlapping, twisting shapes of his muscles, with the wet shine adding that extra pop! The overall contrast with the side of his head, upper arm, back/side and thigh being well lit, with shadows along his front planes looks so good and adds extra definition to him. You did a fantastic job on his expression too and once again, I do always enjoy how much fun your characters are clearly having. His messy hair with pale lighting against the dark brown looks fantastic and I do like his rosy red cheeks which I think is a great little detail. And then we come to the centrepiece of the whole image... sweet, gorgeous, richly coloured purple! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Sorry... had to get that out of my system 😅 Looking at the lady, the overall colours across her body look so beautiful and vibrant, I especially like the contrast with a darker, warmer purple on her face, upper arms, shoulder and bum, while her lower/left-side planes are a more blue-tinted purple. The lighting across her body is glorious too and that wet shine that runs along her left side, bum and thigh are gorgeous. I really like the dark shadow on her inner thigh and the contrast with the lighter tones and wet shine on the rest of it, really defining that shape. The shadow that defines the shoulder and separates it from the arm is great too and I just love that spot of warm light at the centre of her face which looks so vibrant against the surrounding shadows. The white hair too is beautiful with a terrific flow as it spreads, flows, curls and twists all around her, with a great level of detail to it and those bright white colours frame her vibrant purple face so well with a great contrast. And of course her expression is just priceless! 😹 Beautiful work as always on yet another gorgeous, vibrant and perfectly textured work or sexy art! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Simon Delott

This is absolutely gorgeous. Also, no hetero but these are some of the most distractingly attractive women you've ever drawn, which is saying a lot.


Great illustration, it looks like a departure from your usual style but in a really good way.


Love me to blue haired elf girl, oh yes


Those birds have seen it all.

Griffin Barrows

Oh man, I need to do that dude's tricep workout!


Wonderful work, as always! Vibrant, warm colors and a joyful atmosphere, it's so relaxing. I particularly love the brown-skinned elf on the right, she's gorgeous... and her expression is so beautiful!!


I didn't vote for this image, which was a mistake. I absolutely love this piece. Great job, mate.


I absolutely love the lighting, colors, and very delicate brushwork rendering, amazing job as always.


Thank you! I'm afraid I don't do commissions, I'm sorry. I really like the art style of that game, and I'm a fan of ancient greek mythology, so I definitely understand your interest in those characters. :) If I was ever going to do fan art of that game I think I'd draw Nyx. She's my favorite.


Another one of your classic bombardments of compliments, haha. Thank you very much, Ciarán! I appreciate how encouraging you always are. 😄 Let's see if I can make you equally excited about how the next one turns out!


Thank you, Simon! I'm happy to hear you like them!


Thank you, Ian! And yeah, it is a little bit different. The last year I've done a lot of work in Paintstorm Studio, but this time around I went back to doing most of it in Photoshop with some new brushes there, which is probably part of the reason it turned out different. I kinda like it too. :)


Haha, with how all these girls keep making him work out all the time, it's no wonder he looks the way he does.


Haha, thank you! I'm glad you're happy with how it turned out.


Oh my poor bisexual heart!! Honestly how can you expect us to be satisfied with real life people when everyone you draw is so god damn gorgeous? I particularly like the facial expressions in this one, they look like theyre having such a good time, and the environment they're in looks genuinely heavenly. Thank you so much for blessing us with this piece, I love it. ...I love every piece of yours though so what's new? ♡


Haha, thank you, Abby. It's fun to hear you like them that much!


Thank you! :)

Molly Skyfire

I'm loving this one, Calm. Seeing some more variation in skin tone and facial structure is very refreshing. I really admire how you keep the backgrounds simplified and low-detail enough such that they don't distract from the main event, but still have lots of fun little things for us to find. I adore the goofy little birds flitting about the place, they're so silly and cute.


Thanks, Alatar! Honestly, I kinda just added the birds on a whim, but they're probably my favorite thing in the picture, lol.


Great work, love it so much!


How can I get the link to the reward pack? There is no emails in my box :(


Since you joined a few days after this was posted, you didn't get onto the list of people who supported this illustration. But you'll be on the list for the next one. :)


Hey Calm, I haven't seen you stream at all this month. Did you chew through your copper cables?


Don't worry! Everything's fine. :) I'm just on a bit of a... creative walkabout I guess you could say! Exploring 3D a bit more thoroughly for the next illustration. But I wanted to stumble my way through that part of the process off stream this time. I intend to stream the painting part later though. Should hopefully wrap up the 3D stuff tomorrow.


Where do you stream at?


When I stream, I do it over at picarto.tv/calm. This last month has been a bit void of streams though unfortunately, for various reasons, but I should be back to a more normal schedule starting tomorrow! I typically try to stream on mondays-fridays, with some exceptions here and there, but the exact time of day can be difficult to pin down since I have an unfortunate and ever-changing sleep/work schedule. 😅


I love your drawings - everyone always looks like they're having so much fun. :)