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I hope you're all doing well! Please help me pick which illustration I'll do after the next one. Check out the sketches below and give some of them a vote. You can vote for multiple ones or just one, it's up to you. I hope you like them!

If you wanna see which one I'll work on next while this poll is running, check the results of the previous poll.

And I just wanna mention that I've noticed some of you are a bit dissatisfied with the sketches and illustrations that focus on women. I like women a lot, and I kind of have to draw what inspires me, so there's going to be some of those. My main priority is to try to make sure I enjoy doing this stuff in the long run, and that unfortunately means I draw things that resonate with my own preferences instead of what I think appeals to everyone. I hope you'll forgive me for that. :)

Have a great weekend!



Matt Brown

I actually prefer the images that focus on women, especially the solo pinup or centerfold style characters. Not a big fan of cocks personally.


oh man number 2 looks like it would be AMAZING! Please vote for it everyone XD

Ciarán M

Well, I voted for number 2 last time.. looks like I'm doing it again! 😹 Last month's number 2 was a lovely intimate scene and this polls looks like quite the raunchy, sexy and fun scene 😻😻😻😻😻

Mary Wente

3 is so HOT!!! Omg

Pierre Johnson

The fact that you can do what you want to do for a living makes me super envious. Keep it up you cannot please everyone so don't worry about it, some people may leave but with a little advertising new people will arrive.

Robert Arctor

I fully support your focus ❤

Ron Sogers

Come on number 4 this is your month BB


Patreon is made that create what you want, and the people that like that find you and support you. I get the PR you gotta keep, but make what inspires you man


Dayum 3 is amazing.


I cannot understand somebody who would first sign up to support your art, and then be dissatisfied with it. Commissions are there for clients who want something specific, and even in that circumstance I personally would not draw something that is too far from my own tastes. There are so many talented artists who can satisfy virtually every request from everybody; all this is to say that I fully support your choice to paint what resonates well with your own heart.

Angel Ortuño

Number 4 is one of my all time favs but I dunno why I doesn't get much love

Simon Delott

I'm definitely one of those people but you draw what you want, of course.

Simon Delott

I think that dissatisfaction with poll results is different from dissatisfaction with Calm's art, if that makes sense? But he should definitely only offer/draw what he wants to.


Did anyone specifically say “no women”? Or is that just being inferred? I don’t think anyone who isn’t hetero who follows Calm doesn’t understand the nature of their work. I don’t think anyone said “cocks only” I think from what I recall the bulk of the issue was about some commenters (sp?) felt #2 was generic.


Nah, it wasn't the comment about the sketch being generic that I had in mind this time, though I had a sort of similar reasoning then for why I chose to draw it that way. It's been various other comments over the past several months. I don't mean to call anyone out or anything. I'm really just mentioning it so people know what to expect. :)


Come on #4. Let's get that ass! Though number 3 is a solid second.


I vote for #10 every time! One day it will win!'

Wesley Gunder

I vote for #4, I know it won't win but I still vote for it. Its will most likely be here for consideration forever, lol.


wote for #8, interested how water will end up... Calm keep folowing your pasion. :))


Your stuff is so hot and amazing! You do what makes you happy! :)


Calm, about your thoughts of what to draw - I absolutely agree with you!! -)) Keep it up! ;)