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Hey everyone! There are a lot more of you here this month, so first I wanna say welcome to everyone who's new! I'm happy to have you here. :)

Here's this month's illustration. I hope you like it! I always appreciate an opportunity to paint another one of my red elves, so this one's been fun.

I'll send you a private message with the rewards for this one after I've put together the reward pack in about a week from now, on May 7. In case you're new and missed that info, the 7th each month is the date when I send rewards out. So keep an eye out of it then!

I felt like the process for this one was largely painless. I actually expected it to give me more trouble. But I did try doing the environment in 3D again, and while it worked out alright, it was maybe unnecessary since so much of it is hidden. Still trying to work out where 3D fits into the workflow and where it doesn't! Here's what the 3D modeled background looked like:

It's fun to experiment with it. You'll probably see more of this stuff! And I feel like I'm approaching some other interesting conclusions about my workflow too. I'll talk more about those when I feel more confident in those areas.

Thank you for supporting my continued effort to try to make cool stuff. :)




Expression work amazing as always


Nice art


Glorious. She's having the time of her life, clearly. <3

Mary Wente



Thank you! Wide open mouths are challenging and I struggled a bit there, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out in the end! :)


Thank you, Pixie! And I think you might be right about that. 😄


Amazing as always

Ciarán M

Oh wow, this piece is so beautifully vibrant! I love the overall contrast with the cool greys of the background with hints of blue between them, while the warm-tines of the characters really pop in the foreground. The green sheets are also a nice choice with the girl's red hair and red sections of her gloves and tights going well against them. The detail and textures of the background are terrific, I especially like the marbled patterns in the grey pillars and the slab she's laying back on. While the green sheet is also excellently done with the many folds in the material as it crinkles over itself and drapes over the slab. The guys surrounding her are all excellently painted with incredible texture, detail and colour transitions throughout their... you-know-whats 😹 (Is that one on the left an orc or is their some off screen lighting tinting him green? Either way, very well painted!) But it is the girl that I'm interested in and hooooooo boy! She is a delight! 😍😍😍😍😍 I adore her expression with her mouth wide open in a fun smile, the various plane changes of her face with her cheeks rising, mouth spreading and eyes scrunching closed all look fantastic with amazing colouring and texture to her skin. I particularly like the shadows from her chin and jaw as they move up into the lighter tones above. The hair looks beautiful too and I love the lighting with the shadows cutting up through the lighter tones to define the strands. Her body is wonderfully painted too with such soft blending of shadow and light to give her skin an appealing smoothness and that goes especially well with the way her breasts fall to the sides and her tights squeezing her thighs (I also really like the deep crease where her raised thigh connects to her hip) Her nipples too look beautifully textured and juicy and I have to call attention to her hand which looks fantastic with the two fingers lowered down to make her hand look like it's folding over. I also really like how the tips of her fingers are tinted a more reddish colour. As for her accessories, those gloves/sleeves she has are something I find supremely sexy, with them and the tights having s great sense of texture. The metallics of her ear and nipple piercings, her ring, leg bangle and glasses are all terrific and I especially like the sheen to the glass part of her glasses, a very nice detail! And as always, all the goop is so very well painted and wherever it lands, it wraps over the forms and gives them even more definition. Excellent work! The colours are so beautiful as always and I really do love the sense of fun from the elf's beaming smile 😸


Thank you, thank you! I'm glad you like it, Ciarán! 😄 You're as generous as ever with your compliments, and I really appreciate that.

Ted Jones

This is great!


I don't even care what your girls do, I just love to see them, It always makes my day!!!


I'm new here and so excited to learn from you! Can't wait to get the pack 😀 I'm grey-ace but you're the first artist I've decided to support on patreon, that should be enough to tell you how amazingly beautiful your illustrations are!


Just wow! I still have lots to learn!! you're the best <3


Thank you, Nodwig! That means a lot to me! I'm happy you're enjoying them. 😃


seriously amazing!


I absolutely love the colour scheme and the weight that the whole gesture holds!


Oh also, how long does it take you to make an environment like this? And which program do you use? Much Love


Love that they didn't get any on her glasses -- real gentlemen!


Do you think of ever doing a tutorial on how to build 3d base sceneries? I'd love to learn from it!


Hmmm, since I'm still learning it myself I don't feel like I'm in a position where it's responsible of me to try to teach it. I wouldn't know if I'm teaching people bad or impractical things, you know? So I can't really make any promises about that. :) But, if you're curious, Jama Jurabaev's Gumroad tutorials are kinda what inspired me to give it a try! You can find those here: https://gumroad.com/jamajurabaev

Dirk In The Dark

I won'tt reiterate all that's been said already about the incredible colors and textures, but (hot damn) I've got to say this is one hot, sweet, sticky, erotic scene!! Thank you so much for always bringing your A game, we all truly appreciate it! I only have one other thought to add: I really hope she already came a few times before this part of the fun, because the clean up is going to take some time X)


Thank you, I'm glad you think so! Haha, she seems pleased with how it's going, so I can only assume that's the case.


I just got here couple weeks ago, I love your work and the amount of details in every image. You’re a big inspiration.


Loving this bukkake! :)


you're really cool !!! composition, lighting, colors, materials, emotions ... do you have something to learn !!!


this pic is the reason i joined