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Finally got around to finishing up some new sketches for a new poll. Sorry it took a little while. But you guys should have at least a couple of weeks to get your votes in!

Find the thumbnail sketches below that you like best and give them a vote. You can vote for multiple ones if you want.

I added three new ones this time. I hope you like them! It'll be interesting to see which ones you will or won't vote for.

If you wanna know which illustration I'm working on while this poll is running, check out the results of the last poll. You guys picked a tricky one. Tough camera angle specifically. But I'm confident it'll turn out well!




Nice, I like the new options! Even the sketches are very vividly colorful and lit


#3 *swoon*


I like the color pallet of sketch #1


Man I'd be happy if it's any of the first three.


Has anyone else noticed that sketch 6 has been an option since illustration #44. He must really want us to vote for it

Robert Arctor

I have faith in you, Calm! I'm sure #66 will turn out great :p PS Link to the last poll is broken (missing a colon).


@Spazchu35 and i hope one day more people will vote for it coz it would look amazing with all the detail. i dont understand why its not getting more love. its also different to any other previous illustration.


I want to try to make the colors in my pictures more visually striking, so I'm glad to hear you say that, Sleepnir!


I'm glad you do! A nice warm-cold contrast with fresh saturated colors is pretty fun!


Judging by how the voting is going, you're on schedule to become happy. 😃


I'm gonna be honest, it isn't my favorite out of all these. :) But it is an alright one that I haven't lost interest in, and I think it has potential, so it's easy to just throw it into the poll every time.


Thank you, Robert. :) And thanks for letting me know!


I think people might just be too used to seeing it, so it's lost the new and exciting feeling. I might have to remove it for a while and reintroduce it in the future if people are going to consider it again. I'm glad you think it's worth a vote though! 😃

Andreas Muñe

Oh my, so many excellent choices as always but 1 and 3 are just 🍆 glad I’m a Patreon😊


I really like how colourful the new thumbnails are!


I'm glad you do! I'm pretty happy about that as well. 😄

Griffin Barrows

These are so beautiful. I still get baffled why people pick things that are realistic. #1 is winning by a landslide, but there's thousands of pics, gifs, and vids of this exact same image. Tentacles and demon babes, though -- I mean, at least those are different and rare, right?


If we go with #1, can we get a version with cum?

Cal Santiago

Will there be a special poll for illustration #69?


The way I see it, doing illustrations like these is all about showing things that conjure positive thoughts and associations. Actions, character designs, environments, colors, forms, etc. that tickle the brain just right. And, while that often happens in fantasy themed scenes, there's a lot of opportunity for that in realistic settings too, so I appreciate being able to do one of those too once in a while. :)


A bunch of lube on her is what I had originally planned. So I don't know if I should promise a cum version too. It could get a bit too busy visually if I'm not careful. I'll just have to see how it plays out when I'm approaching the end of that illustration. :)


Haha, that could be funny. Maybe I could do a thematically appropriate sketch for the poll when the time comes. There's a very high chance I'll completely forget though. 😅