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I'm gonna try something new this time around! Ever since I started my Patreon page I've been aiming towards some day making two illustrations per month, but it's been difficult for me to manage more than one per month so far. So I'd like to do a little experiment in May where I work on two illustrations in parallel. It's been years since I've had to do that, so I'd like to get a sense of how that affects things now, either positively or negatively.

So in this poll I will make not just the most popular sketch, but also the second most popular. Does that sound alright to you guys?

If it turns out I won't be able to finish both in May, I'll just do my best to get one of them done, and then finish the other one in June.

You can find the sketches below and vote for as many or as few of them as you like, but I'd recommend picking at least two you want to see painted. Some of the new sketches are a bit rough, so I hope you'll forgive that and vote for the ideas and themes that appeal to you instead of just the ones that look most polished or colorful. :)




#11 and #13 for sure, but mostly #11

Tamashi Toh

Why can I always count on the one with the biggest dong in the lead? 😛

Simon Delott

#12 has my vote once again, but there's a lot of Good Content here.


#13 all the way. And still would love to see #3

Matty Thunders

I will remain forever faithful to #1


I'm having trouble determining the differences between #3 and #9. I can tell their hands and legs are in different positions, but is there something else?


So many great choices! Exciting stuff man


Yeah quite true, seem to be basically the same image but reversed


13 is particularly delightful.


How about 3 and 9 with #11 as a strong back-up! Love your work!


I do wonder if we ever will get #1 made :I


They are all outstanding, except #7. I'm not digging that solo female action. I went with #6. 13 would be my second choice.


Calm, you ever considered having votes carry over? This would help individuals who have been constantly voting on a particular image to have some chance at it getting made.


I hadn't considered that. I'll have to think about it. At the moment I feel like it could maybe make the polls a little bit confusing. And I kind of like the idea of making the illustrations most people want to see. Thank you for suggesting it though. :)


#1 kind of reminds me of an old Spider-Man cover. I believe it was issue 7 from Todd McFarlane's run. Spidey was crawling on a tree. Sadly, he wasn't fucking Black Cat.


And what do you know? It looks like 6 and 13 are the winners! Great day!!!