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Hey everyone! March is done and I managed to do a decent amount of sketching throughout the month, and I just want to share it here with you!

(Note that this isn't content you'll pay me for. Since the content is irregular, it's just free! And if you've signed up here to get past reward packs, it might be easier to pick them up over on my Gumroad store this time around. I'll return to the regular format next time!)

You can find all the sketches I did in March (+ some bonus sketches!) in the zip file I've attached. I've also attached the individual image files in case that's more convenient for some of you.

I also have a time lapse video for you guys showing most of the sketching I did! It's too big to attach here, so you can download it through this link instead:


It is quite a long video, which I know some of you love, but I assume most of you don't have 7 hours to spare to watch it, so don't be afraid to crank up the video playback speed.

I had a goal for my sketching in March, which was to move more towards simplifying and streamlining the early stages of my sketching. When sketching I often add details before the position of everything is nailed down, or do rendering that I end up painting over later anyway. Those are distractions and a waste of time. In the early parts of the time lapse video you'll see me do some large sketches, and when viewed in contrast to the last sketches in the video it's very clear that I kind of fumble around and, for example, noodle on facial details before I've even given the person arms.

What I've found to work well for me, which you'll have seen me do in the past too, but more deliberately in the later part of the video, is to draw at a small scale. That way it's impossible to draw any details even if I wanted to. It ensures I only focus on the characters' poses and the composition of the sketch, which works out perfectly! I'll be making an effort to continue sketching this way.

Oh, and I've also attached a lot of the thumbnail sketches I've been drawing over the past few years. I thought maybe you'd enjoy seeing all of them collected in one place. :)

It's April now, which means I'll start working on the next illustration! I'll also have a new poll ready in not too long. It feels good to have the schedule back on track. Please don't mess it up again, Calm!




Ooh, this I like

Ciarán M

Very nice work! There's so much here and it all looks so fantastic! I certainly hope that all of this sketching has helped you out and I just got to say, in the file "Calm_MarchSketches_007", I absolutely love the voluptuous, pink haired lady with the sexy purple attire, I sure wouldn't mind her showing up in a full illustration 😉😻💜💜💜


Hey I really love your art and art style and I really want to get batter at art so I can create my own. Do you have any tips or tricks you can offer to help, if really appreciate it. Love your work.


Thank you! And yes, it's definitely helped me sort out my thoughts on how I'd like to sketch, so it was a successful month! I'm glad you like her. 😄


Amazing! Thank you!


Thank you, I'm happy to hear you're enjoying it, Ben! The best tip I think I can give you is honestly to follow and make use of good learning resources online. proko.com/library and ctrlpaint.com/library are two sites I like to recommend. They've got a lot of free videos that are easy to follow along with. And always try to notice and appreciate your own improvement in the small individual tasks. It'll help you stay motivated. :)


Lovely stuff, Calm. Lots of interesting looking characters in here!


Your demon men are super sexy, even in all the sketches. I hope we get to see more of them, as your guys are really delicious!


Ya did it again, Calm! Well done! The biggest gripe I have is that I have zero talent for drawing or sculpture. Your skills are simple amazing! Can't wait to see more!


Looks super great! :)


I'd also love to see some of these sketches become full blown, finished pieces! :)


Is always pleasing to see how do you apply skin tones. If is not asking too much, can you make a tutorial showing where to apply the reds and the pale tones on skin?


I'm glad you like that! The logic I use is basically to apply the pale tones where sunlight wouldn't naturally hit the skin, like under breasts for example, or in armpits and the inside of the arm. And I do the reds on ears, noses, cheeks, fingers, toes and under the foot, and sometimes elbows and knees. It can vary a bit, so you've got freedom to play around with it. :)


New patron, glad I’ve finally signed up! I’ve been watching your Twitter for awhile but def want to support you, you’re making some of the best stuff out there. Love the polls! I’ve noticed in your newer posts you don’t do “sketch dumps” like these anymore. Is there a particular reason, or am I just not seeing them?


This is awesome I love to see how you have streamlined your process ! Do you use any references at all or do you just draw straight from an idea in your head ?