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Hey everyone! I hope your weekend is going well. I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up about my plans for March.

TL;DR: I'm just gonna sketch a lot!

I often feel like I don't get enough practice sketching, so I would like to spend a whole month just working on my sketching skills instead of working on a full illustration. If you guys like sketches, that's probably good news!

And if sketches aren't what you signed up for, don't worry, I'll get back to doing full illustrations again the following month. And the sketches I do in March won't be posted as something you'll pay me for. While there won't technically be a reward pack for the work I do in March, I'll probably still have some stuff to share that would normally appear in reward packs, like high resolution images and possibly some time lapse videos, but since the format isn't the exact thing you signed up to pay me for, I'd rather just let this be free content for you guys.

Over the last couple of months you may have noticed I've been a little bit behind schedule, and this will allow me to hopefully also correct that schedule a bit, which works out well!

You'll also notice I don't currently have a poll up for the next illustration, and that's because of this change in plans for March. The poll for illustration #59 will appear in March, hopefully containing some of the sketches I'll be making.

I've been doing the same type of work for over four years now, and while it's been fun, I'm excited about this temporary change. I think it'll feel refreshing, and I'll hopefully be making better illustrations afterwards as a result! I hope you're excited about it too!

PS: I do still have illustration #58 coming up before this happens, as you would expect. I'll make an effort to finish it before March, but since my schedule is a tiny bit off-kilter it might be an extra few days.


Simon Delott

It's okay to fall behind, have a haitus, or turn out different work. I'm just excited to see what you choose to share!


I wonder, what sketches you can come up with?


Its ok i love your content no matter what

Matty Thunders

I don't mind that at all! I'm excited to see what you do. Even your thumbnails are mini masterworks. lol


Hmm, I imagine it'll be a mix of a lot of different things! My focus will be on improving my sketching skills, so there will probably be a bunch of studies as well as drawings from imagination.


Thanks, Matty! I'm happy to hear you're excited. 😄


You make great work! Keep up and good luck!)))


Sound's like it will be a fun month for both you and us! Improving your sketching skills will inevitably make your final paintings better (than they already are) in the future too! :D I look forward to the sketch streams!


I like everything I've seen of your work. Sketches may provide a look at how that wonderfully twisted mind of yours works. Glad to see whatever you deem is up to your standards.


Yes! I'm really looking forward to this 💕 Hope you get to have a lot of fun!


Sounds good to me, have lots of fun and enjoy it Calm!


I'd be happy to pay for you to do sketches and other illustrations for a month! Everyone needs a bit of a change especially artists! You need to keep up your creativity and try new things! As you said if you throw out copies of what your working on I'll gladly accept supporting this endeavor my friend!


That sounds fantastic, I even enjoy illustrations with a sketchy wibe


Yeah, the way I currently sketch can be a little bit inconsistent, which isn't exactly ideal for what should be the foundation of a painting, so I'm hoping this will help bring me closer to nailing down the sketching style that'll work best for me. :)


There will be less pressure since I won't be committed to finishing anything and can just take things one day at a time, so I definitely think I'll have fun!


I second that. I'm giving you my hard earned dollar so you can do you, not so you can do me.


I'd pay for a huge sketch dump on gumroad!


I'll post the sketches for free, so that won't be necessary. :D Thank you though!