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Finally done with this one! I hope you guys like it! And I hope you guys don't mind that I changed the appearance of the bottom lady from how she looked in the sketch. I quite like how she turned out here. She looks more interesting than the girl in the sketch, so I feel like it was a good decision. And I even painted some clothes on her! That's a bit unusual.

This illustration was challenging in some ways, but I made some good discoveries throughout it, particularly with regards to the brushes I use. I'd like to make a new set of brushes I can share with you guys when I find the time for it.

Thank you for being patient with me and waiting a few extra days for this one. I'm hoping I won't be behind schedule again at the end of February, but we'll see! It's a short month, so it might happen.

Reward packs for this illustration will be sent out in a few days, on the 7th.

Thank you for supporting me! :)



Angry Hermit

Last month's was well worth the wait! I have no doubt this one will be too


No worries, always worth the wait ^w^


White hair elves are 👌


And I'll keep saying it: i love how your characters always look so happy. Can't help but smile when looking at your illustrations

Simon Delott

Your art is absolutely amazing, every time, and always worth the wait. And I say this as a gay dude.


Wow, that outfit is amazing!

Ciarán M

And as is always the case with your work, it is 100% worth the wait! 👏👏👏👏👏 Just like every painting, the colours that you use are so beautifully vibrant with so many great contrasts. The skin tones of the two lovely ladies pop so well against the surrounding greys, greens and blues. For the surroundings, I like that reddish-purple sheet under the top-girls left hand, alongside the golden trims on the cushion and all of the sheets, it adds some warmth the many greens, even the cheeky bit of ham by the window adds a touch of warmth to green tree behind it and green drinks to the side. I also like the green decoration in the red-head's hair for the contrast that it provides. The background and scene in general is incredibly and I can see why this would provide a challenge with all of the perspective, angles and foreshortening that's going on here, it is absolutely full of detail and no-doubt tricky drawing challenges that you have more than conquered with this piece! The way the girl's bodies are foreshortened and rest upon the rectangular shape of the bed, with the two guys on both ends and the surrounding architecture being shown in perspective is so very impressive. The level of detail in rendering the background is insane, I have to applaud you for taking the time to ensure that the scene outside the windows have a solid amount of detail to them, the clouds, trees and mountains look great, even that little building next to the white-haired girls' hand. And what's excellent about your painterly, semi-realistic style is that you can distribute detail in different amounts, the background is given a lot detail and definition, but not so much that it distracts from the characters who are themselves rendered in even greater detail than their surroundings. Other further tertiary details that I really like are the criss-cross lines through the ham, the textures for the glass and bottle nearby and the nearby tree in the background with the bright lights on the top-left contrast the shadows beneath it, and lastly, the rippling curtains alongside the windows with the green being tinted blue by the exterior. As for the centre of the scene, the bed, sheets and cushion at the centre are truly sensational! The many rippling folds that overlap one another, collect in clumps, fall off the edge of the bed and are pressed into by the characters are so well done. The cushion is fantastic too with those designs wrapping over the cylindrical shape and I love the end that's to the side of the red-heads arm and how it concaves towards the golden tassle which itself is so well detailed with strands clumping and overlapping. I really cannot praise your work on the bed enough! And I've already written so much and haven't even touched on the characters 😅. So I'll try to briefly describe the male characters before properly delving into the ladies 😉, though it looks like they beat me to it 😹. The muscle definition on both men is breathtakingly well done, I particularly like the man in the background as we get to see the defined shapes of his pecs, shoulder and forearm. The contrasts in tone on both characters is great too with a warmish yellow light shining on them while in places the shadows are tinted blue. For the closer guy in particular, I like the occlusion shadows where his fingers grip the shaft and look like they're realistically pressing into the skin and you've also done a terrific job on the shine effects on their... you know 😹😉. Now for the ladies! To make things easier, I'll just refer to them as Red and White 😸. Starting with Red, i just love her expression, she is really going for it with that wide open mouth and outstretched tongue and I applaud her enthusiasm 😹. Her hair is beautifully defined and I love how her hair wraps around the back of her head with strands overlapping each other, while the strands draping over her shoulder and back further accentuate the shapes of those areas. Likewise, the goop on her face that drips down her adds definition to her features and I like the shine effect on parts of her skin where the goop has landed. The definition of her shoulder, bicep and forearm are all amazingly well painted with the soft blending of tones as well as the hard edges where connections are made between forms, I seriously do love seeing that kind of thing, specifically the hard edges where her shoulder connects down her upper arm. As for White... oh man... I like her, I like her a lot! 😻😻😻 No disrespect to Red of course, but white hair and blue eyes make my heart melt and I just love the design of the lingerie that you've given her. The patterns on the ends of her tights, her top, collar and gloves look gorgeous with a pleasing flow to the shapes in the material. The contrast between the white and her warm skin tones also looks marvellous and you've done a terrific job on all of the textures, shown especially with the wet textures on the backs of her thighs where the goop stains her tights. Her anatomy looks truly outstanding with some details that I enjoy being the soft shadows that wrap around the lower planes of each of her butt-cheeks, really letting those forms pop out from her thighs, her breast looks so appealing too with how it squishes into the bed and the stronger contrast in light and shadow on her skin really defines her forms so well. Likewise, her face is truly fantastic! As always, the joyful smiles that you give your characters are a pleasure to see and you have rendered her features beautifully. The light shining onto the top side of her face, the contrast with the lower shadows as her blue eye, the lighter tones of her nose and white teeth all pop out looks so good too. As with Red, the level of detail in her hair is amazing with how strands overlap, flow and meander down. Something I didn't notice until now is the jewelry in her hair and the colour contrasts there with the blue jewels popping against the gold, just as the gold pops against the white hair (in my defence, I was distracted by many, many other things 😹). And lastly, the goop across White's body looks terrific in how it defines her body, my favourite parts being her bum, how it collects in the centre, as well as the rather thick globs running down the centre of her "lips" and how they continue to drip down the cushions and follow the folds of the sheet below. I fear that even by my standards, this comment may be excessive 😅. But all the same, I hope that I conveyed just how impressed I am with this piece and how spectacularly you performed with this painting! The colours, the details, the lighting, the rendering, the anatomy are all as perfect as ever. And once again, you show these characters absolutely loving the scenario and having fun which makes your work all the more beautiful. Brilliant work! 👏👏👏👏👏


You are the Master, Sir. Your ideas and technique are flawless, and the results are erotic to the max. I am so glad to see your figures ENJOYING themselves. Sex is FUN, after all, right?? Kepp up the wonderful work. Love to see what's coming next.


Oh my goodness. /swoon


This is probably one of my favorites of your illustrations so far. I'm glad you changed it up from the sketch, and honestly think you should od it more! anything thats gonna make you like what you're working on more i think is gonna make your fans overall more happy with the end result!


Thank you, Ciaran! Their poses in this perspective was definitely a little bit of a challenge. It isn't perfect, but I feel like I'm getting better at it! Thank you for taking the time to write all this. I may have said it before as well, but it means a lot to me to hear that all the details I put work into get noticed. 😄


I'm happy you like it, vurt! I don't think I wanna make a habit of changing stuff too much. I'd like people to feel like they got what they voted for. But yeah, there's no real reason to feel committed to an unremarkable design. :)


Hey have you ever considered creating drawing tutorials? I particularly like how well you draw cum. It looks absolutely wonderful and very erotic!


Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I've got a few topics I'd like to do tutorials on sometime, how to draw cum being one of them. However, making tutorials isn't the type of work I enjoy most, so I keep delaying it. 😅