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(Updated post)

Hey everyone! This one took a few more days than I would have liked, but I'm glad I took the extra days to work on it instead of pushing it out before the end of December, because it turned out much better for it. I hope you like it! I've also attached the version without cum if you want that.

I got sort of fatigued by working on this illustration several times throughout the process, so I'm really looking forward to starting something new! If you've been missing the live streams, I'll also be starting doing those again now after my holiday break, so keep an eye out for that.

The rewards for this illustration will be sent out on January 7th, on the usual schedule, so look for a message in your inbox then. :)

Happy new year!




Happy New Year 2019, Calm!

Ciarán M

Oooh, even in this blurred preview image I can see some very pleasing, warm colours. Looking forward to seeing this one finished! Happy New Years! 😸


Happy new year, Calm and fellow patrons.


I'm super excited to see where this goes! Also happy New Year 😁


Happy new year !

Griffin Barrows

I’m pretending it’s “Luke” who’s busting in it ❤️


Happy New Year to you as well! Glad to see you up and running. Hoping for a wonderful year.


Excited to see how it comes out! :)

Matty Thunders

Wow, a normal size dick 😂


I love the little details you put in your work. The fact that you can tell how hard he's squeezing his dick is just great. And of course your fluids are always an inspiration


Happy New Year! Brilliant art, love it.

Ciarán M

Well hot damn, now this sure is juicy! 😹 You have got to be the absolute best when it comes to painting goop 😉😹, the translucent textures to it, the way it's different levels of transparency across the image (clear at the base of his shaft vs being thick on the girls tongues), as well as how it wraps over the forms of the girls' faces, breasts and the man's own naughty bit, all of it looks fantastic and skillfully done. I don't normally start with describing that part of the painting, but it is quite prominent here so it's hard not to immediately be drawn to it 😹 Looking now at the whole painting, I must say that I love the overall colours and their composition. The warm, vibrant red hair looks amazing, as do the similarly toned eyes for the girls, while the warm skin tones of all 3 characters, the red/gold banners on the walls, the reddish tint to the stone and the wooden floors are all contrasted beautifully by the cool winter scene flanking the painting outside the windows. I also like the detail of the robins, their red chests adding a little touch of contrast to the surrounding snow. And the way the stone wall above the left girl's head is tinted a cool tone is also a nice touch and piece of contrast. The rendering of the background is brilliantly done too with so much detail. The textures of the stone work with chipping running down the corner next to the sword, the crinkling in the material of the banners on the walls, the wooden textures of the floor as well as the rippling curtain next to the window, all great details. The sword itself is very nice too with the shine to the metal and the various rendering of the planes on the cross-guard and blade itself with the rise running down the centre. It is so very commendable that a background detail like the sword is so well painted with so much care put into it, you even put chips in the blade! That's just awesome! And the metal is tinted multiple colours with their own textures and it pops off the wall very nicely thanks to the shadows it casts. Oh god... I've written so much and it's all been on goop and background details 😅, I should probably get to the characters now. The hair for the two ladies is fantastic, there's so much detail with many strands overlapping, crossing over, twisting, meandering and draping over the girl's faces and breasts while even then only parts of the hair clings to the skin. The textures of the hair shine beautifully and are all so striking and I like how the ends of many strands of hair are blurred slightly with a softer feel to them. Their skin looks amazing too, textured so well while the features of their faces are very well defined, I particularly like the nose of the right-side girl, while her eyes are so striking with that colour. The lips and tongues of each girl are just brilliant, I don't even know what else to say! The colours and textures as well as the shiny wet look to it all is just great. The way the left girls tongue caresses the other's cheek with goop collecting at the tip, looking like it's actually being pushed up the skin is brilliant. And I do love how for the right side girl, the goop runs down and collects between her breasts. For the man, the veins in his forearm is a detail I really like, same with the fluffy texture for his arm hair and how it's caught in the cool rim-lighting. The occlusion shadows that connect his fingers to the shaft really give that sense of grip as the fingers indent into the skin. It's things like that and the goop collecting on the girls tongues and so many other features which makes your work so good! (well, one of the many things!) The interactions between characters and body parts, how they touch and connect has this sense of realism to it despite how stylised it all is (and that colourful, stylised look that your work has is one of my favourite things), I hope I'm properly describing that. Anywho, tangent aside, I really like the light and shadow that run along his thumb and palm of his hand, nicely defining those features and the warmth of those skin tones is great too, harmonises well with the warmly toned faces of the girls. And it must be said, you did a great job on the shiny, wet texture on the head of his naughty bit while also perfectly defining the shape and planes of it. Absolutely amazing work on this final painting of 2018 (it still counts as a 2018 painting, right?), the colours, contrasts, lighting, details, background and scenario are all as brilliantly done as I've come to expect from your work. I hope you had a great time over the new year and I'm looking forward to seeing another year of your beautiful and sexy paintings! 😸😻


Well then. My previous favorite Calm painting is now my 2nd favorite Calm painting...


Yeah, I guess you could say it's the final one of 2018. 😄 I'm glad you like it, Ciaran! The cum isn't always easy to render. I ended up spending more time on it than I usually do. So I'm glad to hear you think it turned out well! And yeah, I had a pretty good holiday! It's sort of a relief to have things back to normal though. I hope you've had a great time too!


Haha, I hope not too many people will be disappointed!


Been following you for a while now and I love how your art has improved over time keep up the amazing work


Hey, thanks! It feels reassuring to hear you say that. I appreciate it. :)


I love how you handle hair! Looks amazing!


What I really enjoy in your work is these little details like the little cute birds outside. Always looking for something on each and every illustration 🙂