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  • Calm_illustration10_animated.mp4



Browsing all my illustrations here on Patreon can be a little bit tedious since there's no gallery feature on the site, and some of you asked for an easier way to see all the illustrations.

I've attached a zip file to this post that contains all my Patreon illustrations so far. I hope this makes it a little bit easier. :)



Wow, cool! Thankies! *hugs Calm*


Might be a good idea to make a similar file that's a backup of all your tumblr sketches as well, since that's about to eat itself alive.


Yeah, I imagine I might update this post with more content later to add sketches and some other stuff too. :)


Thank you!


Awesome, thank you!


Fantastic stuff!


Thanks for the zip files. Well done, Sir


Thanks! As a new patron, this is really helpful!

Griffin Barrows

Thanks so much! Love your work~


New patron here too and super appreciate this post!


New patron. Your work is exceptionally good in technique and artistry. Bravo!


Thank you, Rob! I'm very glad to hear you think so. :)


New Patron, This is great! And your artwork is top notch.


Amazing work! I'm just falling in love with every single one of your illustrations! :)


Thank you, Brandy, I'm glad you like them that much!


Just discovered your work - Awesome! Thanks!

Chris Vargas

Hi! Love your work :D, i noticed your videos in photoshop you have a plugin that has something to do with brushes, it was blurry so i couldnt make out the full name but it looked like “brushenator(?)”. If you could share which plugins you use that would be AWESOME! Thanks!


Hey! I'm glad you like my work! :) The Photoshop plugins I have are called Brusherator and Perspective Tools v2, which you can find at https://gumroad.com/kritskiy. The guy who made those has got a few other useful ones there too. Besides that I also use a program called Paintstorm Studio, which you might also like!


Hey" I love your work. I'm new patron. When do I receive the first reward? Do I receive by email? Thanks a lot.


Hey, welcome! I'm happy to hear you like the illustrations! You'll receive rewards for every illustration I post while you're signed up, so when I post the next illustration towards the end of this month, you'll be on the list of people who receive the rewards for that one on August 7. And on the 7th each month after that you'll also receive new rewards for as long as you choose to remain here. :) I send those rewards in private messages here in your Patreon message inbox, which you'll likely also receive email notifications for. And if there are particular past illustrations you would have liked to get the reward packs for, those are all available over at my Gumroad page, at gumroad.com/calm. If you have more questions, feel free to ask!


Thank you so much for these archives! ^_^


Hey! New Patron here. I absolutely love the lush colors you use and as an artist myself I aspire to reach your level of skill! I'd like to ask however, how do I load the brushes you posted? Are those for Photoshop or do i need some other program for them? I'd love to check them out!


Hey, Furlana, welcome! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying my work. :) These brushes are a Photoshop tool preset file, instead of the .abr format you might be used to, which means in older versions of Photoshop they keep more of the brush settings, like opacity and flow percentages. But after CC 2018, I think, the .abr format also does that. And, if I recall correctly, if you import the .tpl file into newer versions of Photoshop via the tool preset window, it'll ask you if you want to add them to your brush library instead of your tool presets. With that said, the brushes you get here are just a tiny handful of very simple brushes, and you get almost the same ones as default brushes with Photoshop CC 2018 or newer versions. When you see the time lapse videos you'll also notice that I use another software called Paintstorm Studio. I still haven't quite settled on brushes there that I want to share as "the brushes I use" but I imagine I will when I've landed on ones I like a lot.


Hi, I'm a new patreon. Beautiful work, and thanks for giving us this archive.


Hey, welcome! Happy to have you here. :) And thank you, I'm glad you like it!


Hi, I'm new. Awesome works. Happy new year.


Hey, happy new year! And thank you! Glad to have you here. :)


I'm a new patron and I just gotta say that your work is so hot AND beautiful. Thanks so much for posting your in progress works as I am also an aspiring erotica artist!


Welcome, Jessica! :) I'm happy to hear you like it! I hope the work-in-progress stuff will be useful to you.


I made Patreon just for you. One too many times I have seen your awesome work. If someone deserves patrons, that is you. Fantastic job, I love everything you do.


Hey, welcome! And thank you, that's nice of you to say! I'm happy to have you here. :)

Joni Lynelle

Hi Calm. I was doing a reverse image search on a pic I have and discovered one of yours in the “similar images” and was blown away. Wow, such amazing work. I knew I had to stop by and see more. You are very talented!


Hey, Joni, welcome! It's fun to hear you're enjoying it! That means a lot to me. :)


is there a place to get more of your brushes?! :D


Not at the moment unfortunately. I usually just use simple round brushes, so there hasn't been much to share beyond the ones you already find here. If I end up using more advanced brushes in the future I'll probably share those or link to where they can be found.


Hi Calm! Long time fan here and finally able to subscribe again! Absolutely love your work, so much so that I'm aiming to give it a go as an erotic artist myself! I'm not trying to be the next you though so don't worry you're way better than I am XD. I'd like to ask you regarding your work, when you sketch ideas and poses in thumbnails and exploration drawings etc, are the poses all from imagination or do you find the poses/angles you want online and reference from those? I currently use the reference method which I know is smart as an artist to do, but I always worry that my work is too close to reference than having it's own unique flavor and sometimes the reference just doesn't match up with the idea in my head in terms of camera angle or composition etc. Also, do you sketch with a soft brush and then just carve away the soft edges with a harder brush? Sorry for long post I could talk this stuff for days XD


Hi, When I get the discount code for gumroad?


Hey. What program do you use in "Calm illustration #76"? Doesn't look like photoshop. I would like to know what the program is and take the opportunity to ask you to share its brushes. lol


one last question: is there a shortcut for you to switch from one software to another or do you save the file in photohop and then open the same file in the second program?