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Hello! New poll! :) Find the thumbnails in the list below that you think have the best potential to make a cool illustration and vote for them. I added three new ones this time. Trying to keep them a bit rough so they don't take forever to draw. More new options are better than fewer polished options I figure. :) Hopefully they still convey the ideas I was going for!

Check out the results of the previous poll to see which illustration is coming up next.




Pick number 4 my lord

Ciarán M

Ooooh, number 6 from the previous poll has been selected? Oh I'll be looking forward to that one 😄😍. As for this poll, I like the new choices, it's really difficult to choose from them as well as the older ones, many of which are great. In the end, I'm going for #2, #4 and #8. I've always enjoyed the intimacy of #4 whenever it pops up and #8 is just so wonderfully naughty, with great looking colours and foreshortening. And with #2, I really like the pose and expression, the way she's laying back with that big, open mouth smile is just really sexy to me 😄.


Really interested seeing how #9 will turn out.


Ooh, #2 is fabulous!

Matty Thunders

Jesus, the way people vote there's never any reason to thumbnail anything but a chick getting a facefull of jizz


Lol I noticed that too Matty


Calm paints the best jizz I've ever seen, so I'm always going to vote for pics that capitalize on that ability. ;) If it happens to be covering a face/mouth, even better!


I've always suspected those ones get picked because it guarantees a variant picture at the end.


Tbf every single one of the looks amazing


Number two would look good with puffy nipples


im dying to see number 9. I get quite disappointed with the way people vote on here. IMO your best work is always the mystical fantasy type stuff. as a previous poster stated, they do seem to have really "compelling narratives" . seems like people vote for some pretty normal looking sex/porn scenarios. without even considering the mystical fantasy element. Seems like these voters just wanna see you draw regular porn. I do really appreciate the artistic ability in general. But im really baffled by the selections people make. Maybe you should leave out the poll for an illustration or 2 in the future. dealers choice from time to time.


The worldbuilding is really one of my favorite things about Calm's art! The backgrounds and characters in each fantasy scene always hint at such a fascinating world.


All of the above please.