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I hope you're all doing well! As I mentioned previously, this illustration would be pushed back a bit because of the extra time I spent practicing sketching last month, I hope that's been alright! :) I also hope you like this one that I chose to paint, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. And the process, even with some small problems, also felt pretty smooth!

Here are the download links for the rewards for this illustration so you can check out the process if you want:
WIP images
Short time lapse video
Long time lapse video
PSD files  

The reason I chose to finish this specific sketch was because it lent itself well to testing the transition from the new sketching method to painting the full illustration without having too many other complex challenges for me that would affect my impression of the process. A good base line so to speak. The process did turn out about as well as I had hoped, avoiding a lot of the problems that have occurred in the past from having line art in the sketches that I would later paint over. Turns out if the end result doesn't have line art, it was an advantage for the sketch to also not have it. Who would have thought? :)

Speaking of line art, I have also wanted to try to do some drawings where line art is used a bit more intentionally, so I've included a drawing here that I did yesterday. A cute woman showing you her new tattoo. 👀
I have some hypotheses about line art, and also about less complex art, that have been living in my brain for the past couple of weeks. They're not fully formed opinions yet though, so I kinda wanna do more experiments and think about it some more before I feel like it's a good idea to share my specific thoughts about it. I'm just mentioning it now to indicate which direction my work might take over the next few illustrations. I hope I'll arrive at some smart conclusions, lol.

I also haven't forgotten the small tutorial about the Hard Light blending mode that I mentioned wanting to do by the way. It's still a work in progress. :)

Oh and I added a couple of Paintstorm brushes in the attachments I've enjoyed using lately. Probably very similar to past ones, but maybe you'll like them anyway.

Looking forward to making more art!




Gorgeously messy, colorful, and vibrant as always! Though boy she got some wide shoulders and long neck going on. FF14 elves in a nutshell


This is so damn good and I am so happy my patronage helps you make more of it.


I'm glad you like it! And I'm happy to be able to make more of it.😄


Always appreciate the PSS brushes! I finally picked it up after our DMs, and I've been making the switch from Clip Studio. -- Aside from just appreciating the fantastic artwork, your longer time-lapses have been super helpful when it comes to learning the software, too. :) Cheers!


Glad to hear it's been helpful! It's maybe funny that I've been making the opposite switch recently, from Paintstorm to CSP lol. Still just testing it though, to see if I can feel as comfortable in it as I have felt in Paintstorm. I might end up escaping back to Paintstorm eventually, we'll see. :)