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I know y'all are probably here for the sex appeal - or the nudes, as some people say - right?

But with this, you basically just signed yourself up for some TMI in text-form.
'Tis I. Coming into your eyes (matter of speech) with a truck load full of black on white.

I've never been one to journal or scrap-book, blog, or do anything else on a daily commitment basis, really. Yet here we are and I once again want to try and see how I can incooperate various things into my patreon. This time: a daily hello to you, my beloved supporters.

Saying supporters like that sounds kinda weird but you know what I mean.

So then; a fair warning up front: this could potentially feel a little personal sometimes. Other times it may just be boring, or make you straight up wonder why on earth you're still here. Most likely because my humor can get very weird, pervert at times (as some of you already noted) and just a little off really.

... okay, okay. Enough explanations. Let's get right to the nitty gritty.

Can you believe it has been snowing here today already? Me neither.
Soft little balls of white fell down from the sky and gently hit the ground, only to evaporate into a puddle of wet, shortly after. It shouldn't be that surprising, given that it's basically the middle of november but it still kinda is. Always. Every year.

The moment it snows, you'll definitely get a text from someone you know, asking "oh my god, did you see the snow?" - as if it wasn't to be expected at some point. I love it! It's sweet, and always makes me smile.

On another note.. I've been waking up at 3 pm. Or, well.. 1 pm but then I decided to just stay in there for quite a while longer. For the last 3 months, we've been sleeping on an air mattress after moving into a new appartment. This Friday our new bed finally arrived and I have to tell you: I don't think I've ever had a bed this big, let alone sleep in one and call it mine altogether. Really, really nice.

I also managed to finish the first Advent Calender render today, and you, as my Patreons, will definitely see that one very soon (2 or so weeks before anyone else does). Hopefully I can keep up and produce 25 renders for December. But even if I can't, I will share all of them here.

Stop me now- or I'll never finish typing!

Before I leave however, I want to let you know that I personally am Patreon to quite a few people. One of them is Sharla (in Japan). The reason I subscribed to her Patreon wasn't any perks, really. It was the fact that she said she'd be more on Patreon than youtube in the future, and that she'll post general life updates here.

I don't know about you but I like being able to follow someone I like on youtube /elsewhere as a content creators peoples personal life; what they're up to and how they generally are feeling. I find it soothing at times, to hear what they do, think, or how they go through their days etc.

Thus: I don't want to make this first entry too long, and will therefore just leave you with two little questions right now.

1. What do you think of a daily little update on here? Like a journal of sorts?!
2. If you'd wake up in the morning and realize all your underwear and pants have vanished, would you use one of your shirts to awkwardly bind it around your nether regions and create a makeshift trouser this way, so you can go and find real ones somewhere else?

Please let me know!

I hope you're having a lovely evening; that you had a great weekend and that you remember:
I am grateful for you!

❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀



I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t here for your Tifa renders, but seeing life updates isn’t so bad! It’s a nice touch actually! As for your other question, it would probably depend where my underwear and/or trousers are. If they’re outside my apartment (like being hung out to dry outside), I’d probably grab a towel and cover up. However, if they’re inside my apartment, I’d probably be walking without covering my crotch! 😂 who cares if my cats see my nether regions! Also, I do wish it would snow where I am instead of being a tropical craphole 😂 the only types of weather here are blisteringly humid sunny days and rainy stormy months


1) 😆 These fun entries are a great bonus. Like others said I came here to support your work but I would love to see more entries like this in the future. 2) Given I have a towel in my room most days I think I'd be "covered." But to play along with the scenario I would likely grab one of my trench coats and go hunting. Would make me feel if I was caught I'd be accused of being a flasher 😅. The explaining I'd have to do.