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Guys! This amazing Tifa figurine is not available anymore, due to high demand.
However, you can still get her here, for a limited time (24 hours):  


Just thought I'd let you know, in case you've missed the chance before and are still interested! (ᵔ.ᵔ)



TOURNIER Akhénaton

Geez, stop tempting me with awesome looking product! I don't have that kind of money x)


Damn wish I had the money for it. But if an art book ever pops up.... I'd have to buy it.


;o; But.. you were the one saying it's better to live with dept than with regret!!


Definitely was extremely interested but just don't have the scratch right now. (Kinda a bad year for expenses overall; big trip in July which is currently sucking up all my fun money). I'll watch for the next one if y'all collab again!


You should do a giveaway to people over a certain tier


Im so interested, but my wallet says "no!" 😭

Jonas Morés

With luck and good winds this year (I'm having a good year). I already got mine in the first post. ^.^


It's tifas last chance to make love to me 😵‍💫


Funny story: my wife and I got engaged young. I didn’t have much money at the time, so her ring isn’t anything glamorous. It cost around $600. The thought of her reaction to me buying a statue that cost more than her engagement ring is so funny I kind of want to do it.


Oh my god Mikel, she might be upset about that, no? °_°)" Gosh, I don't want you to get into trouble. On the other hand, this figurine is simply amazing.. darn. Dilemma.


I can’t ;-; I bought so much merch while we were in Japan visiting family last month, I’m well over budget. She got annoyed when I walked away from buying a Tifa figure in Shinjuku, but bought a Gundam figure at the next store we went to. She said “What’d the robot do for you that the pretty girl didn’t?”


Ohhh!! A big trip sounds fun though!! ^.^ <3 Eventually, you'll get her. For now, the trip has priority and I alreayd wish you much fun.


Ah! I don't have the money to do a 700 EUR giveaway right now unfortunately. For the future, that may be an idea tho!


So after these next 24 hours, it will no longer be available to purchase at all whatsoever?


From what I've been told, this figure will no longer be available after that period. That's all the information I have, I'm afraid. °_°)"


Perhaps against my better judgment, I've finally given in! Just ordered the Battle Suit/Nude dual bundle!🥲


Man I really really want her but I really don’t think I should spring for her lol


I should have pre-ordered this when I had the chance. I mean, I really want to but I can’t really afford the full price of this gem right now. 😢


Nope. Sometimes just taking the L with dignity is all you can do.


Yeah... ;_; I hope it comes back at some point again. I will let you know if it does!