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These are not finished renders - just previews, but my question is: Which one do you like more? Left, or right?





I'd say left is perfect for me! The lighting on the left seems to "fit your art style" more (which is amazing). But on the right Tifa's model look more detailed, but most probably bcus of the different lighting too.


On the left, I used eevee - which is a real time render engine. On the right, I used raytracing in marmoset (two different programs, too) ^.^ I am glad to hear your input. Thank you so much. <3




I like the model on the left better because it looks closer to Tifa, but I like the lighting better on the right. The left looks like it's gone through an old-timey filter 😂






Vom Gesicht her mag ich das linke lieber. Aber im rechten finde ich das Licht besser. :D


Ja.. das Licht ist Rechts "Raytracing". Links ist real time rendering! ^.^


Yeah.. that is because right is raytraced. Left is real time rendering! ^.^ It's like comparing CGI to ingame, if you know what I mean?


I’m a big fan of the left, personally! The lighting looks (to me) more like something we’d see in the actual game. The right looks more like a movie poster or something! Both are nice, but left is definitely my favorite. :3


That makes absolute sense. The left is done with real time engine - like ingame would be. Right is done in ray tracing, which is what would be used for CGI! ^.^

Robert Molt

I know this is late, but I wanted to offer how talented you are. You are so gifted as an artist. For whatever it is worth, I like the left better. However, it's probably my love for original Tifa, whose hair I would argue is more brown than black.


That's very true. Her hair is indeed more like a dark brunette, rather than fully black. I usually keep it that way in my renders and I am so happy you like it! ^.^

Robert Molt

I *think* it's more black in remake? I am not sure I trust my own eyes with this sort of matter. In AC, it went straight black, I think? I am glad you have a soft spot for the original. Separate from the joy I will have when Rebirth comes out, I will be excited to see what art inspires you and to see your takes on everything!


In AC it was actually brunette. In remake, it is too but due to lighting it can look black because it's a "dark brunette". In the original, it was more of a medium brunette! ^.^