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Surely this is what everyone wanted when they said they wanted another game, right?


I been in a real rut lately and I thought it kinda looked like it came straight from a video game so I figured why not go the extra mile and make it even more convincing.

Real talk I would really like to get a small team together to work on an actual game and my door is always open to discuss paid positions on said team. I would like to make a post in the future going more in depth about the idea I have, for now I'll just say I would like a game that features elements from several 'Match Three' style games I grew up with. I don't think it'd be that extreme of a project but we'll see.

Hope you guys enjoy this one! And ya know, sorry to anyone who thought this would be an actual game :(, I'm barely an animator, let alone a game dev lol. ENJOY!





This is a fun style, and I think you would do well at a game. You already kinda did with the visual novel.


Tbh it really shouldn't be that hard and I'd have a team by now if not for constant negative experiences I've had. I'm at the point I just want a Match 3 style game that shows you segments of a full video when you beat the levels and then you get the whole video when you beat the game.