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Just a quick post to say that I’m much, and I mean much better. I still have some pain, but compared to a few days ago, I am in heaven.

The antibiotics are working, and today was the first day since I was hospitalized that I was able to eat solid food without crying in pain.

Right now, I’m mostly tired. The antibiotics have me feeling extremely tired, as if I worked out all day, even though I’ve been in bed without moving.

Thanks for the patience, and like I said before, as soon as I get home I’ll post the 12 chaps I have on my files.

Feel free to ask any questions, with love. Corn.



I skim read read the post with out opening it on the app and thought that you died… then read the full post and felt like both, an ass for being upset that if you died I wouldn’t get any more FT chapters, and a over dramatic loser for thinking you died without getting the full story . . . 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪


Oh god no. Though I felt like I was dying, not gonna lie, the pain was unmeasurable, I couldn’t sleep without drugs because swallowing my saliva felt like I was being stabbed in the throat. Thankfully now I’m much better, I can eat, drink, and move around without feeling like God has forsaken me.


Glad you’re feeling better! Get some rest though, you deserve it.