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[Important Events.]

Year x778.

February - Adam, deeply concerned about the imminent threats looming over the horizon and acutely aware of his own weakness, decided to leave Fiore. His objective being clear, to train relentlessly, honing his skills to become as formidable as possible before the impending storm reached his home.

March - The fierce rivalry between Mirajane and Erza was ignited, setting the stage for a contentious relationship filled with competition and strife.

May - Laxus becomes an S-Class Mage. For his trial, he was tasked with solving a series of intricate puzzles, culminating in a grueling battle against his own grandfather. Despite ultimately succumbing to defeat, Laxus managed to damage his grandfather's robes, which in the eyes of his old man was deemed sufficient to warrant his promotion.

June - Mirajane's formidable skills, immense magic power, and volatile temperament earned her the fearsome epithet "The Demon." Her reputation became so notorious that even long-standing guild members like Macao and Wakaba began to regard her with trepidation.

July - Fried Justice, Evergreen, and Bickslow became the newest members of Fairy Tail, further bolstering its roster of talented mages. Fried and Lilia become friends, they don’t know why, but they feel something unites them.

August - Mirajane's rivalry with Erza intensified due to constant fights between the two, ending in Mirajane challenging Erza to a duel, and although Mirajane possessed immense magical power and notable skill she ultimately lost the fight, causing the animosity and rivalry between them to grow even stronger.

November - Lyon made the decision to leave the guild, despite never having been an official member. He felt that it was time for him to carve out his own unique path in the world.

December -  Ur embarked on a personal mission, vowing to return once her mysterious objectives were complete. This departure marked the end of a tumultuous year, full of growth and change for the guild members involved.


Year x779

January - Natsu boldly challenged Gildarts to a duel. However, without even looking Gildarts effortlessly flicked Natsu out of the guild like a comet with a single finger, bringing the "fight" to an abrupt but very comical end.

February - At the young age of fourteen, Erza achieved the distinguished rank of S-Class Mage. Her trial involved a duel against Gildarts, which she ultimately lost. Nevertheless, her performance managed to impress Gildarts enough to earn her promotion.

March - Mirajane seeing Erza had been promoted, requested Makarov to promote her to S-Class rank. However, Makarov declined her request, stating that she had not yet reached the necessary level of readiness.

July - Adam contacted the guild and informed them that he had sent a collection of gifts, primarily intended for Cana, Erza, Makarov, Lilia, Gildarts, and Cordelia, but mostly Cana.

August - Erza challenged Laxus to a duel in order to test her might, and the Dragon Slayer accepted. The intense battle lasted for several hours, with Laxus emerging as the victor. Erza suspected that Laxus had held back during the fight but expressed her gratitude for the thrilling experience nonetheless, promising that next time she would be strong enough to have him use his full power.

October - Adam suffered a near-fatal accident while practicing Gisei Hado, also known as the Sacrificial Path of Destruction, almost losing half of his body in the process.

November - Adam delved deeper into understanding his Zanpakuto, discovering during this process that the power of his Shikai was more than what he imagined, extending beyond mere spatial cutting. He found that his blade had the ability to manipulate the space around him in a multitude of ways, that being said, he soon discovered this was easier said than done.

December - After months of arduous training where he pushed his body to the breaking point, Laxus unlocked the ability known as Dragon Force, soon reaching with it a level of control where he was able to enter said state at will. That being said, he soon learned after a few uses that the transformation had a few glaring weaknesses, one being that it needed a significant amount of energy to be sustained, making it for the time being impractical in combat.


[Third Person POV.]

[Laxus Dreyar.]

[Year x280]

[Tuly Village.]

The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the small town of Tuly. Its streets bustled with townsfolk, merchants, and wizards alike, all going about their daily routines. 

Alas, this peaceful atmosphere was shattered without any regard, when a dark figure emerged from the shadows, confronting the young wizard, who was in town for a mission, Laxus Dreyar.

This mysterious figure was no other than Ivan Dreyar, the excommunicated wizard of Fairy Tail and the father of Laxus Dreyar. For months, he had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to talk with his son. 

It didn't take a genius to know that Ivan sought to corrupt his estranged son and turn him against his friends and allies within the Fairy Tail Guild, now more than ever, seeing now Laxus was known throughout the Kingdom as a powerful mage. 

"What do you want?" Laxus asked in a cold and unwelcoming tone, his body crackling with electricity.

And how could blame him for such behavior? After years of learning who his father truly was, he knew better than to trust him, or his motives.

Ivan's face twisted into a cruel smirk as he took a step forward, his eyes glinting with malice. "I just want to talk, son, nothing more, nothing less."

"Then talk," Laxus spat, his magic power flaring. "But know that I won't be swayed by your manipulations, not anymore."

Ivan chuckled, his voice low and dangerous. "Oh, I know that better than anyone, Laxus. But hear me out, won't you?"

Laxus remained silent, if anything he was curious about what Ivan had to say.

"Aren't you tired of being second to Adam, to that... worm? When you rightfully deserve to be the first!" Ivan's face twisted into a sinister grin as he began talking. "The old bastard is giving everything to him, but us, his family, are being left and forgotten."

At this, Laxus chuckled before breaking out into a full-fledged laugh. "You really are delusional, aren't you? I honestly had my doubts, but it seems you are as crazy as everyone told me you were. Listen to me, and listen well, because I won't repeat myself! Every bit of strength Adam has was earned through hard work, sweat, and blood!"

Ivan's expression darkened. "You're blind, son. Can't you see that they are holding you back? You could have so much more if you just let go of your loyalty to that guild and those so-called friends of yours. Join me, Laxus. Together, we can rule the guild and show them all what true power really is."

"You're pathetic, nothing but a worm with delusions of greatness," Laxus hissed, his eyes blazing with fury as his entire body crackled with electricity. "You think joining you and becoming a pawn in your twisted game is what I want? You really want me to believe that... by joining you I would become stronger? Joining you would only make me weaker! I have everything I need right here in Fairy Tail!"

"Insolent brat! You dare to speak to your father in such a manner?! You are nothing without me! I made you who you are!" Ivan bellowed, his voice echoing through the town. "Without me, you would still be the weak pathetic little child without a future! And this is how you repay me?!"

"Do everyone a favor, and go find a hole to wither away in," Laxus retorted, his eyes narrowing as he took a step closer to his father. "I don't owe you anything, Ivan. I am my own person, and I have my own destiny to fulfill. You may have given me my magic, but everything I have accomplished is because of my own hard work and determination. I don't need you, and I never have."

"You will regret those words, you worthless pup!" Ivan roared, as he launched himself at Laxus, unleashing several torrents of paper dolls. 

Laxus skillfully dodged each one, his movements fluid and graceful as he weaved around them with remarkable ease, sparks of lightning dancing across the air. "No wonder Adam defeated you all those years ago."

Ivan snarled at this, growing more and more frustrated by the second as he realized that none of his attacks were even close to hitting home. "If you won't join me, I will take back what I gave you!" 

Having said that, Ivan increased the intensity of his magic, summoning massive sheets of paper that transformed into various weapons and monstrous creatures, all aimed at Laxus.

Turning around while dodging one of Ivan's attacks, Laxus opened his mouth slightly, the air around him crackling with energy that seemed to concentrate on his mouth. "Lightning Dragon's Roar," At this, the Dragon Slayer unleashed his roar, in the form of a devastating wave of lightning, that tore through the air, illuminating the battlefield in a blinding flash of brilliant light. 

The powerful blast struck Ivan's paper creations, instantly incinerating them, and causing the older wizard to stagger backward in shock and pain, despite the attack never hitting him.

"I will have what it’s rightful-" Ivan began, roaring to the heavens in blind anger, but Laxus paid him no mind.

Instead, he seized the moment, and charged forward, his body turning into a lightning bolt, quickly closing the distance between the two as he prepared to deliver the first and final blow of this fight. 

Shocked by Laxus' speed, and the imminent danger the former represented, Ivan's eyes widened in fear as he realized deep inside his own delusion that he had underestimated how powerful Laxus truly was. 

So, in a last desperate attempt to win a fight, he never had a chance to win, to begin with, he summoned more paper dolls to defend himself, but despite putting every bit of magic into them, the destiny of this fight was already sealed.

Laxus slammed his fist through Ivan's paper defenses, tearing through them in an instant, before hitting the former in the chest, sending a massive surge of electric energy coursing through the older wizard's body. 

Blood coming out of his mouth, Ivan let out a pained scream as he was sent flying backward, crashing into a nearby wall with a deafening thud, his body painfully spasming as the paralyzing effect of Laxus' attack continued to ravage his body.

Then as the dust settled, and Ivan slumped to the ground, defeated and broken, Laxus spoke.

"Don't come near me, or the guild again, because if you do, I won't show you mercy," Laxus declared, his voice carrying a warning, no, a promise that was not to be taken lightly.

With that said the Dragon Slayer turned around and walked away, not bothering to look back at the fallen Ivan, leaving Ivan to wallow in his defeat.  

One thing was certain for Laxus after this encounter, and that was that it was time to move on and leave this chapter of his life behind, for good.



Oh geez, did Adam lose any body parts to the sacrificial kido? I know it says almost, but that can be taken both ways, especially when it’s nearly half his body. Also thanks for the chapters!


Aye he is growing up