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This is an update on Adam’s profile, this profile takes its information from the point right before the time skip.

Adam C

[Will post an image of how he looks later.]

Name: Adam C.

Age: 16

Year: X777

Guild: Fairy Tail

Rank: S class Mage.

Zanpakuto: Zanryuzuki

When sealed, Zanryuzuki looks like a normal katana with the exception of the guard, which is in the shape of a silver dragon. Its hilt is black with a light thread of silver and gold that runs across it, and its sheath is black.

Shinkai release command: Judge all things in this universe, Zanryuzuki!

In its Shikai, Zanryuzuki extends slightly in length and gains a translucent aura around the blade that seems to distort the very space around it.

Bankai: TBR.

Magic power/ Spiritual Pressure: By all standards, Adam's Magic power is completely monstrous, to the point his own body subconsciously suppresses most of it with the help of his zanpakuto in order to prevent irreparable damage to his own body.

Mastery levels -

I created a system for us to rank Adam’s progress in the shinigami schools of power, the ranks are the following.

Once again, let me be very clear this system is for US, readers and author to know in tangible terms where’s he’s act in terms of progress.

This system won’t take part in the novel at all. Again, this is just for us, nothing more nothing less.


In this category is where some of the big boys of bleach were, like Aizen, Urahara, etc.

  • EX
  • S
  • A++
  • A+
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E


  • S
  • A++
  • A+
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E


  • A+
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E

That would be the ranking system for us to have a tangible idea where he’s at.

Spiritual Power: TBR (To be revealed.)

Reiatsu Control: Intermediate (D)

Zanjutsu Mastery Level: Advanced (B)

Hakuda Mastery Level: Intermediate (A)

Hoho Mastery Level: Advanced (C)

Kido ———

Bakudo - Binding Spells: Supplementary spells which can immobilize an enemy or have an effect besides a direct strike. They may seem subtle, but these spells can give their users a tactical advantage when used properly.

——Rank = Intermediate (C)





Barriers: Focused spiritual energy formed into a solid form of energy. This energy can take on many shapes or colors as determined by the user.

——Rank = Novice (D)





Seals: Somewhat similar to barriers, but far more powerful and require far more preparation to create. Seals can only be used by those of sufficient spiritual power, and are meant to hold the most powerful and/or dangerous artifacts or beings.

——Rank = Not applicable. (Adam hasn’t learned any seals yet.)





Hado - Path of Destruction: Offensive spells which inflict direct damage to the enemy. Their effectiveness differs depending on the user. It is said the effectiveness of the higher-ranked spells are beyond imagination.

——Rank = Advanced (D)





Gisei Hado - Sacrifice Path of Destruction: A particular school of offensive spells like Itto Kaso that requires the user to sacrifice a certain portion of themselves in order to use it.

——Rank = Beginner (A)





Kaido - Healing Spiritual Arts: These spells do not have known names, numbers, or incantations to cast, and simply heal the target. As the user holds his/her hands above the patient's wounds, his/her palms glow with green spiritual energy to facilitate healing.

——Rank = Novice (B)



Thank you omg I needed that way helpful especially when u post pic of him. I be forgetting some of these little details as I go about my life.


Hopefully after time skip he’s not too disgustingly op