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[David Lance POV]

In front of me stood Superman and Wonderwoman, side by side, their shoulders almost touching, both ready to take me on. It was almost poetic, seeing the supposedly all-powerful Superman having no other option but to team up with the Greek Demigoddess to have even the slightest of chances to take me down.

Many in this situation would feel intimidated. But I wasn't like the rest; unlike others, I welcomed their challenge. I had been trained for this moment. It was almost as if all my life had led to this very moment.

"When I came here, to earth, planning to end you, I... didn't expect to fight you first," I said, my eyes never leaving them. "I fully expected to fight your goons, one by one, until you finally decided to come. Or to have to put in motion a complicated strategy to draw you out. Alas, I was wrong; you came right to me without so much of an invitation."

"Earth doesn't shy away from the enemy," Wonderwoman spat, her voice steady and cold.

"That's funny coming from the two of you," I said, taking a step closer. "You're nothing but a piece of clay Zeus decided to plant his seed on, and as we have seen in Greek mythology, that's... nothing special. As for your partner over there... well, he's an alien."

"Get to the point!" Superman warned, his voice like thunder.

"Jumpy, are we?" I replied, a sly smile on my face.  "The point is you two don't represent the earth. You two are as alien as anyone can be. If I had to pick, I would say Batman represents humanity better; the madness behind his actions, the inability to change, the sheer hypocrisy behind every calamity... that's humanity at its core."

The atmosphere thickened as both Superman and Wonderwoman tensed up.

"Then again... if you look at us really close, we all embody humanity's essence," I sighed, taking a few more steps forward. "I didn't get it until... just now, but. Rage, hatred, revenge, greed, lust... that's what humanity is all about!"

Wonder Woman gripped her sword tighter at my words, her knuckles turning white as she looked at me with an uncertain tone. "We do what we must for the sake of humanity. And that's something you will never comprehend."

I smiled, my voice low and dark. "Are you, though? are you really doing all this for... humanity's sake? Or is this all a cry of revenge for your wife and unborn child?"

Superman stepped forward, his voice loud and clear. "One more word out of your mouth, and I'll rip your tongue out!"

I met his gaze as I cracked an even bigger smile at him. "That's it! That's what I was talking about! Hatred, revenge, grief! Whenever someone lets those feelings take over, it's when they are at their most human. After all, humanity's truest form is evil."

Having said all there was to say, I cracked my neck as I walked towards them, one step at a time. Seeing me approach, Wonder Woman drew her sword from her slowly; the blade made a hissing whisper as it was removed from the sheath. 

All the while, Superman stood firmer, hands bawled into fists.

“Two against one. Hmph. Word of advice... Don’t hold back, or this will end rather quickly,” I snarled at them.

Before any of us could take another step, Dex-Starr appeared, bathed in blood. It seemed like he had come to aid me. Appreciated but unnecessary; I was going to take these two down on my own.

"Dex-Starr, these two are mine," I said, giving the cat a single look that said, leave now. "Go have fun."

"I good kitty, I kill soldiers," Dex-Starr replied before blasting off back into the battlefield.

With that done, I turned my attention back to the duo in front of me, “Now, where were we?” and with a quick flick of my hand, as if to say. Come on. The battle started.

With a battle cry worth of an Amazonian warrior, Wonder Woman rushed at me, with Superman following her close behind. 

Once the distance between us was no longer there, the Demi-Goddess slashed downwards with her sword as Superman tried to punch me in the back of the head.

Taking a step forward, I dodged Superman's attack before blasting him off into the distance with a kick, all while I parried Wonder Woman's attack with my right hand covered in red energy, which clashed against her sword with a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air. 

Impressive. Any normal sword would've broken by now.

Leaving no room for thinking, Wonder Woman reeled back and readied herself for another attack; trying to slash me across the chest as Superman flew towards me, trying to tackle me. However, seeing this, I sidestepped to the right just enough to avoid both attacks, with the blade passing a hairs breath from my chest.

Then, before they could recover from this failed attack, I kicked Superman with an axe kick to the middle of his spine, sending him miles deep into the ground, before swiftly punching Wonder Woman in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her and stunning him for a brief moment.

Disoriented and still open for a few other attacks, I decided to be a gentleman and oblige her, putting another strong hit on her solar plexus, followed by another, before delivering a rising uppercut at her stomach, doubling her over.

Patting her head a few times with a smile on my face, I followed my last chain of attacks with an axe kick, kicking her head up before bringing it down in a fast motion, digging her head under my foot with earth-shattering earth. 

And all of that, just in time to welcome Superman back from his trip to the earth's deeper crust.

"I do have to say, Superman," I smiled, digging my boot into Wonder Woman's neck harder so she wouldn't get up, using my ring’s energy to subdue her even further. "I am profoundly unimpressed by your performances so far. In fact... it is somehow easier to fight you both together."

"Release her, now!" Superman demanded, taking a step forward.

Seeing his anger rise, I smiled in response. He wanted me to release her? Very well, then. 

He never specified how, though. So, with one swift movement, I took my boot off her neck before bringing it back on her neck even harder, using all of my strength in order to crush her neck in a single motion.

Taking my boot out and releasing her, she gasped for air, but it only came out in a gurgle as the blood flowed freely from her new wound, coating the white ground in the very same layer of sticky red now adorning one of my boots.

I watched dispassionately as she struggled to breathe, shakily extending one of her hands towards superman, as her body convulsed and fought for air that would never come. Finally, after a few silent moments, she went still, dropping to the ground, her eyes glassy and empty.

“There, all yours,” I said, kicking her body toward him as if it was trash. “I have to say… Dating you is, quite honestly, the biggest red flag one could ever have. Don’t worry, though; I’m sure you’ll meet the one in hell.”



Thanks for the chapter 😆


Reeeeally hope that doesn’t piss off a certain greek pantheon…