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[David Lance POV]

Dinah was okay.

A few broken bones, and bruises here and there, but nothing concerning for her health in the long run, a result that upon considering who her opponent had been, was rather lucky.

Oliver was okay too.

His injuries were less severe all things considered.

As for me, well, I would be bedridden for around two to four weeks, depending on how fast my healing factor can deal with internal trauma, broken bones, and some minor muscle tearing.

Not that I really cared about the time.

Sure, I didn’t exactly enjoy being in bed, as it heavily limited my actions, but I didn’t exactly hate it either.

Besides, despite everything, I had Rachel by my side to make me company, so things were good enough.

Now, on the matter of the League, I was still mad at them. The reason they had taken so long was because they had all been dealing with super villains of their own, which all things considered, was a very valid reason.

Nevertheless, good reason or not, it was still infuriating that they had not only arrived late, which I was still a bit salty about, but had then lectured me about property damage, and hero liability.

Granted, the ones that had tried to lecture about property damage were Nugget girl, and Giovanni. The rest of the League was, according to Batman, thankful I had managed to step in when they had failed to do so.

It was simply that Nugget girl and Giovanni had their personal vendettas against me, or in the case of Giovanni, with Rachel specifically.

Speaking of Batman, I was angry with him. Not because he had arrived late, honestly, or all the heroes, he was the one that I understood the most when it came to tardiness, he was a human, that had to do human stuff to get from point A to point B.

Sure he was disgustingly rich, but that didn’t make him super fast, or gave him the ability to fight. As for the Zeta tubes, well sure, they worked, but he still had to get to one before using them, so it was always back to square one.

If anything, he was always the first one to arrive at any place. Him. The human. In a team where two people can move at the speed of light, or faster, he was the one to arrive first.

So yeah, I wasn’t angry at his tardiness, it was bound to happen eventually. My reason for being angry was entirely different.

It was because he had decided to keep Amazo, instead of destroying it, because he wanted to study the android.

An idiotic decision, in my personal opinion.

Then again, maybe he was seeing things from an angle I wasn’t, but regardless of the angle he was taking on this approach, it still felt like an irresponsible approach on his part.

“Feeling better?” Rachel asked calmly, breaking me out of my train of thoughts.

I smiled, giving her a small nod.

I was still sore, but considering I had taken hits for an android, copying Superman’s powers, well, I was doing a-okay.

“Not very talkative today, huh?” Rachel replied.

I deadpanned. Mute jokes, such a lack of taste, and I like it hahaha. ~Very funny. I told you to stop reading the comedy section of the library, you fill too many emo dark boxes for that, hell I’m not sure you’re even allowed in that section.~

Rachel snorted. “Look who’s talking.”

Another mute joke, would you look at that… of course this means war.

And so, Rachel and I, engaged in a battle for the ages, basically insulting each other, ahhh, friendship.


[Poison Ivy POV]

I watched as Harley showed me with utter glee, the video of her man to be, fighting an android.

“So that’s your guy…” I muttered.

“Yepperoni!” Harley nodded with a mar giggle. “He’s soooo dreamy, dark, and mysterious! Like every boy I ever had a crush on in highschool!”

Huh, maybe those crushes should’ve stayed in highschool…

No no Ivy, this is better than the Joker, not ideal, sure, but immensely better than the Joker, granted, fucking a corpse was better than dating the Joker.

I would literally burn a forest to the ground, if the alternative was dating that psychopathic asshole.

So taking that into account, we were taking a step in the right direction, a young… questionable direction.

“He sure is Harley,” I smiled.


[Lex Luthor POV]

Well this was one expensive loss.

To think Black Bolt and Raven would be enough to defeat Amazo on their own was rather impressive.

The android was, after all, a weapon that should’ve taken the entire League to defeat, or at the very least the core members of the League, not two sidekicks.

Well, I guess not everything can go according to plan.

It was honestly quite… riveting. That the two unknowns in our table had been the ones to mess with our schedule.

Oh well, what’s done is done.

No sense in crying about. Nevertheless, next time, we would be ready for them, the Light learns, the Light adapts, and it always prepares.


[Unknown POV]

It engulfs me.

A void of nothingness that steals away my sanity.

And before I know it, I am lost in an endless abyss, surrounded by a thick fog that muffles all sound.

I try to scream but no noise comes out.

I flail my arms wildly, searching for something- anything- to grab onto.

But there is nothing.

No light, no sound, no hope.

I am all alone in the darkness.

And he is coming for me.

Slowly but surely, he closes in around me like a cold hand around my throat.

I can feel it tightening his grip, suffocating me.

I struggle to breathe, to move, to think.

But it is all useless.

The darkness has won. And I am lost forever in its cold embrace, another soul for Trigon’s horde.

I pity those who stand in his way.

I truly pity them.


Icy Hot

Who is nugget girl


Just to clarify: Nugget girl-chicken nugget girl-chicken girl-bird girl-hawkwoman right? Also, glad to see Harley entering a (somehow,kinda) heather relationship!