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The war continued and during this time, I fought many individuals, the Mizukage more than once, the Tsuchikage a few times, and Hanzo of the Salamander, unfortunately, I couldn’t kill any of them, for various reasons for one the battlefield where we would fight would always leave doors for escape, and two… the missions I had during those encounters would clash with me trying to kill them. A year into the war, however, both the Mizukage and the Tsuchikage died, I think it was during one of my fights with Hanzo, according to the reports, the Kages died fighting each other to the death in Suna territory. This meant, soon the war would end, three out of the five big villages were out of Kages, leaving Konoha and Suna as the only ones with their leaders still alive.

Now, Suna, while a big village, was the one who currently had the weakest Kage, and the weakest military power, meaning… the war was going to end, and unlike the last war, Konoha would come out as the winner of this entire ordeal.

It was just a matter of time. Talking about time, with time I discovered, or rather confirmed what the stars beside the levels meant, it was a reset of level, how did I discover this, well, after so many fights with the Kages, and the thousands of ninja I had killed myself in combat during this war, I reached level sixty, and the WOW system had a minor update, that said the following thing, you have reached the maximum level in the world of warcraft lore, now… if you can remember even at max level in wow, your character was nowhere near as powerful as beings as Sylvanas, Thrall and others, did you ever question why? Well, the answer is simple… they had gone beyond the limits, something no player could do… but now you can.

In short, the system now allowed me to go over level sixty… displaying my level in higher numbers or… sixty with stars to the side, it was an option I could tweak with, meaning I was currently level sixty-eight, or… level two with one reset, it was a matter of preference really.

This… new update was good, but very complicated, you see… once I accepted the reset, I would… go back to level 1… now, each time I made a reset, the exp meter would reset as well. Right now, I was level eight with one star, now… why was this complicated? You see, for each level you need a certain amount of exp to level up, now…. You might be wondering, how will this change with a reset, well… allow me to elaborate.

To level up from level eight to level nine, the first time I needed 5865exp, now… I need 11730 exp, meaning each level needs twice as much exp as it originally needed, and this stacks, next reset I will need… 23460 to reach level nine and on and on.

Right now, it was easy… I killed by the thousands… and so leveling was a piece of cake… but soon… in the higher levels… it would be hard, from level fifty-nine to level sixty, I needed 353410 exp… eventually that will reach the millions with this reset setting. But regardless of how hard this becomes, well… I will keep leveling until my level is nothing but an endless line of stars.

The first time, it took me roughly around 4,777,340 exp to reach level sixty… Now that number had doubled, to 9,554,680, meaning that by the end of this war thanks to the quest I will reach around the fifties in one go.


Days passed, and well… things started to change, for one Jiraiya had adopted… or taken under his wing three war orphans, Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, considering we didn’t have many missions anymore as the war was slowly dying out, he decided to train them, to teach them how to defend themselves, a futile sentiment, what if the kids grew to kill him, now that would be ironic.

As for me, well with no missions to finish, I focused on training my team. Duy was still stuck on the first gate, the gate of opening, but was slowly progressing to opening the next one, and with my potions, he was able to keep the first gate open for hours if needed.

Fugaku, that kid was progressing abnormally fast, he was a genius of that there was no doubt, and so.. I was thinking of recommending my team to the chunin evaluation, while Duy was far from chunin level, and… Nawaki needed to mature, he had all the necessary skills to be a chunin.

Nawaki, while an equal to Fugaku on pure skill, he was… too immature, at times going against my orders, trying to prove something, which if I wasn’t his teacher… this poor decision making skill would lead to his doom a long time ago, it kinda reminded of Naruto, but less loud. Heck, at one point I had to knock him out as he was about to rush at Hanzo like a mindless idiot for hurting his sister… while the sentiment is good and all, it… was a very stupid decision, for that reason, and that reason alone I would keep him as a genin… at least until I can trust his judgment.

In other news, Orochimaru has been… weird, at every turn I see him watching me, like a stalker, as if he’s trying to figure out something. I know for a fact my techniques are beyond his capabilities to copy, so I have no idea what is he after.

On other, other news… I… slept with Tsunade, it was a few months after my eighteen birthday…  it all started with a few cups of sake… and in the blink of an eye I was sharing her bed… it was… nice, I didn’t plan on it… but it happened, and I was glad, Tsunade certainly seemed happy with it also, saying she was now allowed to call me honey or Anata, and use my bank account, the latter of the two I denied, sex or not.. I wasn’t going to let her ruin me, but I was happy, maybe I do love her… it's weird considering my upbringing.


Orion Chung

Hey does Uzumaki clan get destroyed before the Third Great ninja war right so MC can still save them and he’s basically a super Kage now he can definitely save a lot of Uzumaki clan members

Juwon Oh

If you could explain the benefits of the stars in the next chapter that would be great. Is it stats or more skills, or does his skills get stronger?

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

2nded. It was a tad unclear, the only clear thing was the exponential increase in xp requirements. It was also unclear if the reset temporarily weakened him or not.