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[Edward Cullen POV]

When Alice came to us, it was a shock, especially because her image was what Venom envisioned of her, the spitting image of her to be precise, but even without that, her sudden appearance was rather unexpected, but her mind was truth to her word, she indeed wanted to be part of our coven.

At times like this, I was the one Carlisle and the others relied on for making decisions, with my ability how could they not, but Alice was one of those weird cases I didn’t need my ability to know what she was thinking, she was rather honest about what she wanted, and how much she wanted it, she had no qualms about speaking her mind, and was always… happy.

And I knew this after knowing her for twenty hours, granted when you can read the mind of someone, and that person also happens to be open and honest, it’s easy to familiarize yourself with said person.

“I can’t wait to see the brother I never knew I had!” Alice giggled, jumping like a little girl at Christmas Eve.

“Last time he saw us… he wanted to kill us,” I chuckled, “Perhaps this time it won’t be the same?”

“Is he dangerous?” Jasper inquired, his body tense and his mind a whirlwind of thoughts, was Alice going to be in danger? Would Venom hate her for what she is now? Would he have to kill him?

“He is,” I nodded, “But I doubt he will attack Alice,” of that much I was sure, he was lost in grief and hate the last time I saw him, Alice being the main reason of said sentiments.

“Of course he won’t! He’s my brother, why would he attack me?” Alice smiled, her thoughts being like always overly positive.

“He seemed like a nice guy,” Rosalie, famously known for hating everybody unless you wore her down, added.

“He’s ok on my books,” Emmett agreed, “He saved my little rose, so I owe him one,”

“He did,” Rosalie smiled.

“Ohhhh I can’t wait to meet him, in exactly one hour and five minutes with fifty three seconds, fifty two, fifty one,” and so Alice continued counting, as she watched with intensity her pocket watch.

“Once we find him, what?” Esme inquired.

“Can he join us?” Alice asked, her eyes digging deep into Carlisle.

“Well… I am sure whatever he is, can coexist with us,” Carlisle smiled.

“I wonder what he eats,” Esme hummed, “Do you think he eats human food?”

I snorted, “You really want to cook don’t you?”

I already knew the answer, but where was the fun in that? “I do,” Esme nodded.

“For some reason in my visions where he is with us, I see us buying lots and lots of chocolate,” Alice said, “I don’t know why….”

“Maybe he has a sweet tooth or something?” Rosalie shrugged.

“Well, that seems like an easier diet to control,” Carlisle chuckled.


[Jack POV]

I waited for the night to come, patiently lurking in the shadows until the time to rob the bank was right, I knew I could do it during the day, but that would bring unnecessary human attention to me, no, if I wanted to rob them and get away without any unwanted side effects I would have to wait.

“Venom, can you keep secrets from the mind reader?” I asked Venom, for a simple reason, while it was true I didn’t know much about this world and it’s fictional events, I didn’t want to create a ripple of changes, that… and I wanted to find a way to avoid the little bastard reading my mind.

“I can’t be too sure,” Venom hissed, forming on my hand, “I never tried before, but I’m almost certain we will fail… at best we can make reading our mind difficult, but beyond that I don’t know,”

“Hmm, well, good enough,” I shrugged, “Better than nothing,”

“Then I will make our mind as annoying as possible to keep that disgusting mind reader out!” Venom declared.

“Time to…” I stopped dead on my tracks, as the wind hit my nose, I caught a very particular smell, the smell of vampires, one… two… four… seven vampires… and they were all coming to where I was, their smell was drawing close, “Well, it seems we are doing a robbery and killing some vampires, fun,”

Letting Venom cover my body, we hissed, “Let’s say hi,”


[Emmett Cullen POV]

One moment, I was with my family, the next we decided to spread out to cover more area, and the next… I was pushed through several trees, in a violent crash, as a creature of black slammed into a nearby mountain. The impact drove all the air out of my chest as the creature looked upon me growling. “We didn’t expect to have a party, but we welcome the challenge!” Pinned to the mountain by the monster's clawed hand, I struggled to push him off me, his blank eyes staring into my soul, its teeth bristling from his terrifying low-slung jaw.

“I didn’t come here to fight!” I shouted, punching the beast on the face.

At this, the creature growled and jerked the hand that was holding me with incredible force, “They all say…” for a moment the monster stopped, looking into my eyes, “Open your eyes…”

“What?” I muttered.

“Open your eyes, we want to verify!” The monster growled, making me wonder why it was talking in… oh fuck, it’s Venom isn’t it?

“Alright?” I smiled, opening my eyes.

“Alright,” Venom who I know knew who it was sighed, dropping me into the ground, “Are the others, vegetarian too?”

“Yes,” I nodded, looking at the beast, wondering how exactly was he related to Alice, was their dad an ink demon or something.

“Very well,” Venom hissed and started to leave but I jumped in front of me, “Do you… want to die?” The creature tilted his head to the side.

“No, I just… look, Alice is her—“ I couldn’t finish that sentence, for he had his claws on my mouth.

“We will say this once, and only once blood sucker,” Venom hissed, his talons flexing ever so lightly, “We don’t take your kind mentioning her name lightly, so… whatever you are about to say… it better be true, or we break you, and scatter your pieces across the globe… is that clear?”

I nodded, and immediately he release my mouth, “Alice is with us right now,” poor Jasper, if he has to deal with this thing, I doubt anyone will be able to fully court Alice.

“We hope this is true, or we will shove the Eiffel Tower down your unholy urethra,” Venom hissed, his white eyes, or patches… or spots, or whatever narrowing at me.

“I… that doesn't sound pleasant,” I chuckled trying to break out the palpable tension.



yeah lets go!


Who is he going to end up with? I thought it would be Rosalie since he can give her a kid with Venom and the fact that he saved her, who is it going to be