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After my talk with Vaatu, I went back to the house, to see what Azula wanted to do, she apparently had the idea of introducing me to her father, so that we could go on a mission together, that, of course, wasn’t the case, she didn’t need to introduce me to anyone for me to go with her, but she wanted to, in her own crazy way she was trying to set a public claim on me so that other girls would stay away from me if her fame didn’t push them away beforehand.

Seeing this was my chance to personally measure Ozai on a scale of how weak he was compared to me, I accepted, it would be fun to see the one responsible for the world as it is, this, of course, was a double-edged weapon kind of thing for me, as I was right now, I wasn’t going to kneel or show any submission to him, I didn’t want to, and even if I did, Vaatu would go crazy inside of me flipping a metaphorical table inside my head. And this was all thanks to Azula… after that fucking kiss the falsehoods I had been feeding me about playing the long game were broken the moment, everything felt down like a house of cards the moment I allowed myself to feel something so real, now… I didn’t care anymore for the plan, but…. I did care for Azula.

My feeling for her or how strong they were didn’t make sense, I knew this was going to bring me more problems than anything else I had done in my life before, but I just didn’t care. The worst part was, I knew I didn’t love her, I liked her, but love was such a strong word, what I was feeling was more animalistic than anything, like a sense of possession, the moment I kissed her or rather she kissed me, I just felt she was mine.

Was I going to fall in love with her? Well, a few years ago I would’ve said no and laugh, but after all the shit I’ve been through in the span of almost a decade, I can say for certain, I have no fucking clue what the future has in store for me. Then again, I have never loved anyone in the romantic sense before, so perhaps this was love. But regardless of the exact definition of my feelings for Azula, I had to thread carefully with the firelord. One word from him and Azula would turn on me, like a hellhound.

I needed to sink my fangs deeper into her core, for one day… she would have to betray her father for me.

“The palace is right ahead,” Azula commented pointing to the palace, with a sense of pride so strong it surprised me a bit.

“This should be fun,” I commented.

Azula looked at me, and with a smile said, “It should, but please don’t insult my father, I have my reasons to forgive our first encounter, father, on the other hand, does not. So try to avoid getting him mad, I finally have a boyfriend and I would like to keep him alive if possible,”

“Adorable,” I chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ll behave... “ Or kill him if he tries to mess with me, either way, works for me.

“Good,” Azula sighed, her emotions flaring with relief, I knew this was important for her, I could feel it.


The area immediately surrounding the Royal Palace was very dull, fully covered in rocks and completely devoid of any form of plant life, for someone this would show a lack of concern for decoration in the royal, but this was actually a very smart move on their part, for this terrain made stealthy infiltration nearly impossible, for any guard would be able to see you, miles before you entered the palace.

As the carriage took us inside the castle, I took in detail the wall encircling the estate that separated the palace from the rest of the city, with guards in every single corner, a few hundred by what I could feel, and I knew there were more, but unfortunately my water and seismic sense were not enough to get an exact number, for the terrain was too vast for me to cover, but it did give me a general idea of what to expect for when I kill Ozai.

Now, after all this, I expected a very impressive palace, after all, the fire nation architecture has always surprised me, compared to the other cultures around, but in the end, it didn’t. After all that built up, the palace itself is was a single and very dull structure; that had some charm to it, but not enough to be worthy of being a palace, the place was literally a freaking tower with three distinct wings in it, being considerably smaller than the earth kingdom palace.

Taking a deep breath, after the very underwhelming feeling of what this building was, I focused my senses on the larger wing of the tower, yes, I refuse to call this a palace, when even the water tribe has something better, anywho, after focusing a bit, I noticed a very dark chi emanating from the palace, which surprised me… a lot.

Not because something dark was in whatever that wing was, but because, before todayl… like right now, I had never felt someones emotions…. Or in this case chi before. Perhaps I was going crazy, it’s always a possibility.

--You are not… the only reason you felt whoever it was in that room, was because his feelings were dark enough to warrant you to feel them... -- Vaatu chuckled, --This is getting delightfully interesting,--

“Well, if what I felt was someone’s feelings…. And they are this dark… they can only come from someone…. Ozai,” I inwardly sighed at the thought, if I could feel his feelings from here, in close person… that guy would put me in a mood.

--Oh, so that’s your future in-law,-- Vaatu laughed, --I can’t wait to see this… perhaps you will call him dad?--

“Vaatu, if I have to kiss Aang to shut you up I will!”

—You wouldn’t dare!!!—



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️

Robert Jefferson

Yes yes i hope you read this pull a escanor when he goes to ozai and doesn't bow when ozai confronts him Say why would I boe too someone weaker then myself I only pity them please please say that line it would be hilarious